diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index e69de29..d35130f 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+A python software package for analyzing Isothermal Titration Calorimetry data.
+The name is a `portmanteau `_ of Python and ITC.
+`pytc `_ is python software used to extract
+thermodynamic information from isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC)
+experiments. It fits arbitrarily complex thermodynamic models to multiple ITC
+experiments simultaneously. We built it with three design principles:
+ + **Open source and cross platform**. The full source code should be available.
+ The program should not require proprietary software to run.
+ + **Ease of use**. Fitting basic models should be easy. Implementing completely
+ new thermodynamic models should be straightforward.
+ + **Accessible for users and programmers**. It should have both a GUI and a
+ well-documented API.
+Our implementation is built on `python3 `_ extended with `numpy `_,
+`scipy `_, `matplotlib `_ and
+`emcee `_. The GUI is built on
+`pytq5 `_.
+ + Clean, pythonic API
+ + Simple, cross-platform GUI based on `PyQt5 `_.
+ + New models can be defined using a few lines of python code.
+ + Easy integration with `jupyter `_ notebooks for
+ writing custom fitting scripts.
+ + `Installation `_
+ + `Fitting models using the API `_.
+ + `Fitting models using the GUI `_.
+ + `Fitting and statistics `_.
+ + `Description of individual experiment models included in package `_.
+ + `Description of global fits included in package `_.
+ + `Defining new models `_.
+.. warning::
+ **pytc** will fit all sorts of complicated models to your data. It is up to
+ you to make sure the fit is justified by the data. See the
+ `Fitting and statistics `_ section to see what **pytc**
+ reports to help in this decision making.
+API Quick Start
+If you already have a python3-based scientific computing environment installed,
+you can start using the API by:
+.. sourcecode:: bash
+ # Install pytc
+ pip3 install pytc-fitter
+ # Clone the demos repo
+ git clone https://github.com/harmslab/pytc-demos
+ # Fire up jupyter
+ cd pytc-demos
+ jupyter notebook
+Example code using the API
+Fit a :math:`Ca^{2+}/EDTA` binding experiment to a single-site binding model.
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ import pytc
+ # Load in integrated heats from an ITC experiment
+ e = pytc.ITCExperiment("demos/ca-edta/tris-01.DH",
+ pytc.indiv_models.SingleSite)
+ # Create the global fitter, add the experiment, and fit
+ g = pytc.GlobalFit()
+ g.add_experiment(e)
+ g.fit()
+ # Print the results out
+ g.plot()
+ print(g.fit_as_csv)
+The GUI is installed separately from the API. Instructions are
+`here `_. The GUI
+docs are `here `_. A few
+screenshots showing the GUI in action are below.
+.. image:: images/gui_01.png
+.. image:: images/gui_02.png
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ :caption: Contents:
+ _api/pytc.rst
+Indices and tables
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`modindex`
+* :ref:`search`