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797 lines (532 loc) · 32.5 KB

File metadata and controls

797 lines (532 loc) · 32.5 KB


  • Added pb.crons service to interact with the cron Web APIs.


  • Added support for assigning FormData as body to individual batch requests (hanzobase#6145).


  • Added optional pb.realtime.onDisconnect hook function. Note that the realtime client autoreconnect on its own and this hook is useful only for the cases where you want to apply a special behavior on server error or after closing the realtime connection.


  • Fixed old pb.authStore.isAdmin/pb.authStore.isAuthRecord and marked them as deprecated in favour of pb.authStore.isSuperuser (#323). Note that with HanzoBase v0.23.0 superusers are converted to a system auth collection so you can always simply check the value of pb.authStore.record?.collectionName.


⚠️ This release introduces some breaking changes and works only with HanzoBase v0.23.0+.

  • Added support for sending batch/transactional create/updated/delete/upsert requests with the new batch Web APIs.

    const batch = pb.createBatch();
    batch.collection("example1").create({ ... });
    batch.collection("example2").update("RECORD_ID", { ... });
    batch.collection("example4").upsert({ ... });
    const result = await batch.send();
  • Added support for authenticating with OTP (email code):

    const result = await pb.collection("users").requestOTP("[email protected]");
    // ... show a modal for users to check their email and to enter the received code ...
    await pb.collection("users").authWithOTP(result.otpId, "EMAIL_CODE");

    Note that HanzoBase v0.23.0 comes also with Multi-factor authentication (MFA) support. When enabled from the dashboard, the first auth attempt will result in 401 response and a mfaId response, that will have to be submitted with the second auth request. For example:

    try {
      await pb.collection("users").authWithPassword("[email protected]", "1234567890");
    } catch (err) {
      const mfaId = err.response?.mfaId;
      if (!mfaId) {
        throw err; // not mfa -> rethrow
      // the user needs to authenticate again with another auth method, for example OTP
      const result = await pb.collection("users").requestOTP("[email protected]");
      // ... show a modal for users to check their email and to enter the received code ...
      await pb.collection("users").authWithOTP(result.otpId, "EMAIL_CODE", { "mfaId": mfaId });
  • Added new pb.collection("users").impersonate("RECORD_ID") method for superusers. It authenticates with the specified record id and returns a new client with the impersonated auth state loaded in a memory store.

    // authenticate as superusers (with v0.23.0 admins is converted to a special system auth collection "_superusers"):
    await pb.collection("_superusers").authWithPassword("[email protected]", "1234567890");
    // impersonate
    const impersonateClient = pb.collection("users").impersonate("USER_RECORD_ID", 3600 /* optional token duration in seconds */)
    // log the impersonate token and user data
    // send requests as the impersonated user
  • Added new pb.collections.getScaffolds() method to retrieve a type indexed map with the collection models (base, auth, view) loaded with their defaults.

  • Added new pb.collections.truncate(idOrName) to delete all records associated with the specified collection.

  • Added the submitted fetch options as 3rd last argument in the pb.afterSend hook.

  • Instead of replacing the entire pb.authStore.record, on auth record update we now only replace the available returned response record data (hanzobase#5638).

  • ⚠️ Admins are converted to _superusers auth collection and there is no longer AdminService and AdminModel types. pb.admins is soft-deprecated and aliased to pb.collection("_superusers").

    // before   ->  after
    pb.admins.* ->  pb.collection("_superusers").*
  • ⚠️ pb.authStore.model is soft-deprecated and superseded by pb.authStore.record.

  • ⚠️ Soft-deprecated the OAuth2 success auth meta.avatarUrl response field in favour of meta.avatarURL for consistency with the Go conventions.

  • ⚠️ Changed AuthMethodsList inerface fields to accomodate the new auth methods and listAuthMethods() response.

      "mfa": {
        "duration": 100,
        "enabled": true
      "otp": {
        "duration": 0,
        "enabled": false
      "password": {
        "enabled": true,
        "identityFields": ["email", "username"]
      "oauth2": {
        "enabled": true,
        "providers": [{"name": "gitlab", ...}, {"name": "google", ...}]
  • ⚠️ Require specifying collection id or name when sending test email because the email templates can be changed per collection.

    // old
    pb.settings.testEmail(email, "verification")
    // new
    pb.settings.testEmail("users", email, "verification")
  • ⚠️ Soft-deprecated and aliased *Url() -> *URL() methods for consistency with other similar native JS APIs and the accepted Go conventions. The old methods still works but you may get a console warning to replace them because they will be removed in the future.

    pb.baseUrl                  -> pb.baseURL
    pb.buildUrl()               -> pb.buildURL()
    pb.files.getUrl()           -> pb.files.getURL()
    pb.backups.getDownloadUrl() -> pb.backups.getDownloadURL()
  • ⚠️ Renamed CollectionModel.schema to CollectionModel.fields.

  • ⚠️ Renamed type SchemaField to CollectionField.


  • Shallow copy the realtime subscribe options argument for consistency with the other methods (#308).


  • Fixed the requestKey handling in authWithOAuth2({...}) to allow manually cancelling the entire OAuth2 pending request flow using pb.cancelRequest(requestKey). Due to the window.close caveats note that the OAuth2 popup window may still remain open depending on which stage of the OAuth2 flow the cancellation has been invoked.



  • Exported HealthService types (#289).


  • Manually update the verified state of the current matching AuthStore model on successful "confirm-verification" call.

  • Manually clear the current matching AuthStore on "confirm-email-change" call because previous tokens are always invalidated.

  • Updated the fetch mock tests to check also the sent body params.

  • Formatted the source and tests with prettier.


⚠️ This release works only with HanzoBase v0.21.0+ due to changes of how the multipart/form-data body is handled.

  • Properly sent json body with multipart/form-data requests. This should fix the edge cases mentioned in the v0.20.3 release.

  • Gracefully handle OAuth2 redirect error with the authWithOAuth2() call.


  • Partial and temporary workaround for the auto application/json -> multipart/form-data request serialization of a json field when a Blob/File is found in the request body (#274).

    The "fix" is partial because there are still 2 edge cases that are not handled - when a json field value is empty array (eg. []) or array of strings (eg. ["a","b"]). The reason for this is because the SDK doesn't have information about the field types and doesn't know which field is a json or an arrayable select, file or relation, so it can't serialize it properly on its own as FormData string value.

    If you are having troubles with persisting json values as part of a multipart/form-data request the easiest fix for now is to manually stringify the json field value:

    await pb.collection("example").create({
      // having a Blob/File as object value will convert the request to multipart/form-data
      "someFileField": new Blob([123]),
      "someJsonField": JSON.stringify(["a","b","c"]),

    A proper fix for this will be implemented with HanzoBase v0.21.0 where we'll have support for a special @jsonPayload multipart body key, which will allow us to submit mixed multipart/form-data content (kindof similar to the multipart/mixed MIME).


  • Throw 404 error for getOne("") when invoked with empty id (#271).

  • Added @throw {ClientResponseError} jsdoc annotation to the regular request methods (#262).


  • Propagate the PB_CONNECT event to allow listening to the realtime connect/reconnect events.
    pb.realtime.subscribe("PB_CONNECT", (e) => {


  • Added expand, filter, fields, custom query and headers parameters support for the realtime subscriptions.

    pb.collection("example").subscribe("*", (e) => {
    }, { filter: "someField > 10" });

    This works only with HanzoBase v0.20.0+.

  • Changes to the logs service methods in relation to the logs generalization in HanzoBase v0.20.0+:

    pb.logs.getRequestsList(...)  -> pb.logs.getList(...)
    pb.logs.getRequest(...)       -> pb.logs.getOne(...)
    pb.logs.getRequestsStats(...) -> pb.logs.getStats(...)
  • Added missing SchemaField.presentable field.

  • Added new AuthProviderInfo.displayName string field.

  • Added new AuthMethodsList.onlyVerified bool field.


  • Added pb.filter(rawExpr, params?) helper to construct a filter string with placeholder parameters populated from an object.

    const record = await pb.collection("example").getList(1, 20, {
      // the same as: "title ~ 'te\\'st' && (totalA = 123 || totalB = 123)"
      filter: pb.filter("title ~ {:title} && (totalA = {:num} || totalB = {:num})", { title: "te'st", num: 123 })

    The supported placeholder parameter values are:

    • string (single quotes will be autoescaped)
    • number
    • boolean
    • Date object (will be stringified into the format expected by HanzoBase)
    • null
    • anything else is converted to a string using JSON.stringify()


  • Added optional generic support for the RecordService (#251). This should allow specifying a single TypeScript definition for the client, eg. using type assertion:
    interface Task {
      id:   string;
      name: string;
    interface Post {
      id:     string;
      title:  string;
      active: boolean;
    interface TypedHanzoBase extends HanzoBase {
      collection(idOrName: string): RecordService // default fallback for any other collection
      collection(idOrName: 'tasks'): RecordService<Task>
      collection(idOrName: 'posts'): RecordService<Post>
    const pb = new HanzoBase("") as TypedHanzoBase;
    // the same as pb.collection('tasks').getOne<Task>("RECORD_ID")
    await pb.collection('tasks').getOne("RECORD_ID") // -> results in Task
    // the same as pb.collection('posts').getOne<Post>("RECORD_ID")
    await pb.collection('posts').getOne("RECORD_ID") // -> results in Post


  • Added support for assigning a Promise as AsyncAuthStore initial value (#249).


  • Fixed realtime subscriptions auto cancellation to use the proper requestKey param.


  • Added pb.backups.upload(data) action (available with HanzoBase v0.18.0).

  • Added experimental autoRefreshThreshold option to auto refresh (or reauthenticate) the AuthStore when authenticated as admin. This could be used as an alternative to fixed Admin API keys.

    await pb.admins.authWithPassword("[email protected]", "1234567890", {
      // This will trigger auto refresh or auto reauthentication in case
      // the token has expired or is going to expire in the next 30 minutes.
      autoRefreshThreshold: 30 * 60


  • Loosen the type check when calling pb.files.getUrl(user, filename) to allow passing the pb.authStore.model without type assertion.


  • Fixed mulitple File/Blob array values not transformed properly to their FormData equivalent when an object syntax is used.


  • Fixed typo in the deprecation console.warn messages (#235; thanks @heloineto).


  • To simplify file uploads, we now allow sending the multipart/form-data request body also as plain object if at least one of the object props has File or Blob value.

    // the standard way to create multipart/form-data body
    const data = new FormData();
    data.set("title", "lorem ipsum...")
    data.set("document", new File(...))
    // this is the same as above
    // (it will be converted behind the scenes to FormData)
    const data = {
      "title":    "lorem ipsum...",
      "document": new File(...),
    await pb.collection("example").create(data);
  • Added new pb.authStore.isAdmin and pb.authStore.isAuthRecord helpers to check the type of the current auth state.

  • The default LocalAuthStore now listen to the browser storage event, so that we can sync automatically the pb.authStore state between multiple tabs.

  • Added new helper AsyncAuthStore class that can be used to integrate with any 3rd party async storage implementation (usually this is needed when working with React Native):

    import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage";
    import HanzoBase, { AsyncAuthStore } from "hanzobase";
    const store = new AsyncAuthStore({
        save:    async (serialized) => AsyncStorage.setItem("pb_auth", serialized),
        initial: AsyncStorage.getItem("pb_auth"),
    const pb = new HanzoBase("", store)
  • pb.files.getUrl() now returns empty string in case an empty filename is passed.

  • ⚠️ All API actions now return plain object (POJO) as response, aka. the custom class wrapping was removed and you no longer need to manually call structuredClone(response) when using with SSR frameworks.

    This could be a breaking change if you use the below classes (and respectively their helper methods like $isNew, $load(), etc.) since they were replaced with plain TS interfaces:

    class BaseModel    -> interface BaseModel
    class Admin        -> interface AdminModel
    class Record       -> interface RecordModel
    class LogRequest   -> interface LogRequestModel
    class ExternalAuth -> interface ExternalAuthModel
    class Collection   -> interface CollectionModel
    class SchemaField  -> interface SchemaField
    class ListResult   -> interface ListResult

    Side-note: If you use somewhere in your code the Record and Admin classes to determine the type of your pb.authStore.model, you can safely replace it with the new pb.authStore.isAdmin and pb.authStore.isAuthRecord getters.

  • ⚠️ Added support for per-request fetch options, including also specifying completely custom fetch implementation.

    In addition to the default fetch options, the following configurable fields are supported:

    interface SendOptions extends RequestInit {
        // any other custom key will be merged with the query parameters
        // for backward compatibility and to minimize the verbosity
        [key: string]: any;
        // optional custom fetch function to use for sending the request
        fetch?: (url: RequestInfo | URL, config?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>;
        // custom headers to send with the requests
        headers?: { [key: string]: string };
        // the body of the request (serialized automatically for json requests)
        body?: any;
        // query params that will be appended to the request url
        query?: { [key: string]: any };
        // the request identifier that can be used to cancel pending requests
        requestKey?:  string|null;
        // @deprecated use `requestKey:string` instead
        $cancelKey?:  string;
        // @deprecated use `requestKey:null` instead
        $autoCancel?: boolean;

    For most users the above will not be a breaking change since there are available function overloads (when possible) to preserve the old behavior, but you can get a warning message in the console to update to the new format. For example:

    // OLD (should still work but with a warning in the console)
    await pb.collection("example").authRefresh({}, {
      "expand": "someRelField",
    // NEW
    await pb.collection("example").authRefresh({
      "expand": "someRelField",
      // send some additional header
      "headers": {
        "X-Custom-Header": "123",
      "cache": "no-store" // also usually used by frameworks like Next.js
  • Eagerly open the default OAuth2 signin popup in case no custom urlCallback is provided as a workaround for Safari.

  • Internal refactoring (updated dev dependencies, refactored the tests to use Vitest instead of Mocha, etc.).


  • Added skipTotal=1 query parameter by default for the getFirstListItem() and getFullList() requests. Note that this have performance boost only with HanzoBase v0.17+.

  • Added optional download=1 query parameter to force file urls with Content-Disposition: attachment (supported with HanzoBase v0.17+).


  • Automatically resolve pending realtime connect Promises in case unsubscribe is called before subscribe is being able to complete (hanzobase#2897).


  • Replaced new URL(...) with manual url parsing as it is not fully supported in React Native (hanzobase#2484).

  • Fixed nested ClientResponseError.originalError wrapping and added ClientResponseError constructor tests.


  • Cancel any pending subscriptions submit requests on realtime disconnect (#204).


  • Added fields to the optional query parameters for limiting the returned API fields (available with HanzoBase v0.16.0).

  • Added pb.backups service for the new HanzoBase backup and restore APIs (available with HanzoBase v0.16.0).

  • Updated pb.settings.testS3(filesystem) to allow specifying a filesystem to test - storage or backups (available with HanzoBase v0.16.0).


  • Removed the legacy aliased BaseModel.isNew getter since it conflicts with similarly named record fields (hanzobase#2385). This helper is mainly used in the Admin UI, but if you are also using it in your code you can replace it with the $ prefixed version, aka. BaseModel.$isNew.


  • Added OAuth2AuthConfig.query prop to send optional query parameters with the authWithOAuth2(config) call.


  • Use location.origin + location.pathname instead of full location.href when constructing the browser absolute url to ignore any extra hash or query parameter passed to the base url. This is a small addition to the earlier change from v0.14.1.


  • Use an absolute url when the SDK is initialized with a relative base path in a browser env to ensure that the generated OAuth2 redirect and file urls are absolute.


  • Added simplified authWithOAuth2() version without having to implement custom redirect, deeplink or even page reload:

    const authData = await pb.collection('users').authWithOAuth2({
      provider: 'google'

    Works with HanzoBase v0.15.0+.

    This method initializes a one-off realtime subscription and will open a popup window with the OAuth2 vendor page to authenticate. Once the external OAuth2 sign-in/sign-up flow is completed, the popup window will be automatically closed and the OAuth2 data sent back to the user through the previously established realtime connection.

    Site-note: when creating the OAuth2 app in the provider dashboard you have to configure as redirect URL.

    The "manual" code exchange flow is still supported as authWithOAuth2Code(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl).

    For backward compatibility it is also available as soft-deprecated function overload of authWithOAuth2(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl).

  • Added new pb.files service:

    // Builds and returns an absolute record file url for the provided filename.
    🔓 pb.files.getUrl(record, filename, queryParams = {});
    // Requests a new private file access token for the current auth model (admin or record).
    🔐 pb.files.getToken(queryParams = {});

    pb.getFileUrl() is soft-deprecated and acts as alias calling pb.files.getUrl() under the hood.

    Works with HanzoBase v0.15.0+.


  • Added option to specify a generic send() return type and defined SendOptions type (#171; thanks @iamelevich).

  • Deprecated SchemaField.unique prop since its function is replaced by Collection.indexes in the upcoming HanzoBase v0.14.0 release.


  • Aliased all BaseModel helpers with $ equivalent to avoid conflicts with the dynamic record props (#169).

    isNew      -> $isNew
    load(data) -> $load(data)
    clone()    -> $clone()
    export()   -> $export()
    // ...

    For backward compatibility, the old helpers will still continue to work if the record doesn't have a conflicting field name.

  • Updated pb.beforeSend and pb.afterSend signatures to allow returning and awaiting an optional Promise (#166; thanks @Bobby-McBobface).

  • Added Collection.indexes field for the new collection indexes support in the upcoming HanzoBase v0.14.0.

  • Added pb.settings.generateAppleClientSecret() for sending a request to generate Apple OAuth2 client secret in the upcoming HanzoBase v0.14.0.


  • Fixed request multipart/form-data body check to allow the React Native Android and iOS custom FormData implementation as valid fetch body (#2002).


  • Changed the return type of pb.beforeSend hook to allow modifying the request url (#1930).
    // old
    pb.beforeSend = function (url, options) {
      return options;
    // new
    pb.beforeSend = function (url, options) {
      return { url, options };
    The old return format is soft-deprecated and will still work, but you'll get a console.warn message to replace it.


  • Exported the services class definitions to allow being used as argument types (#153).


  • Aliased/soft-deprecated in favor of ClientResponseError.response to avoid the stuttering when accessing the inner error response data key (aka. now is The will still work but it is recommend for new code to use the response key.

  • Added getFullList(queryParams = {}) overload since the default batch size in most cases doesn't need to change (it can be defined as query parameter). The old form getFullList(batch = 200, queryParams = {}) will still work, but it is recommend for new code to use the shorter form.


  • Updated getFileUrl() to accept custom types as record argument.


  • Added check for the collection name before auto updating the pb.authStore state on auth record update/delete.


  • Added more helpful message for the ECONNREFUSED ::1 localhost error (related to #21).

  • Preserved the "original" function and class names in the minified output for those who rely on *

  • Allowed sending the existing valid auth token with the authWithPassword() calls.

  • Updated the Nuxt3 SSR examples to use the built-in useCookie() helper.


  • Normalized nested expand items to Record|Array<Record> instances.


  • Added that checks the health status of the API service (available in HanzoBase v0.10.0)


  • Added type declarations for the action query parameters (#102; thanks @sewera).


  • Renamed the declaration file extension from .d.ts to .d.mts to prevent type resolution issues (#92).


  • Allowed catching the initial realtime connect error as part of the subscribe() Promise resolution.

  • Reimplemented the default EventSource retry mechanism for better control and more consistent behavior across different browsers.


This release contains only documentation fixes:

  • Fixed code comment typos.

  • Added note about loadFromCookie that you may need to call authRefresh to validate the loaded cookie state server-side.

  • Updated the SSR examples to show the authRefresh call. For the examples the authRefresh call is not required but it is there to remind users that it needs to be called if you want to do permission checks in a node env (eg. SSR) and rely on the pb.authStore.isValid.


⚠️ Please note that this release works only with the new HanzoBase v0.8+ API!

See the breaking changes below for what has changed since v0.7.x.

Non breaking changes

  • Added support for optional custom Record types using TypeScript generics, eg. pb.collection('example').getList<Tasks>().

  • Added new pb.autoCancellation(bool) method to globally enable or disable auto cancellation (true by default).

  • Added new crud method getFirstListItem(filter) to fetch a single item by a list filter.

  • You can now set additional account createData when authenticating with OAuth2.

  • Added AuthMethodsList.usernamePassword return field (we now support combined username/email authentication; see below authWithPassword).

Breaking changes

  • Changed the contstructor from HanzoBase(url, lang?, store?) to HanzoBase(url, store?, lang?) (aka. the lang option is now last).

  • For easier and more conventional parsing, all DateTime strings now have Z as suffix, so that you can do directly new Date('2022-01-01 01:02:03.456Z').

  • Moved pb.records.getFileUrl() to pb.getFileUrl().

  • Moved all pb.records.* handlers under pb.collection().*:

    pb.records.getFullList('example');                => pb.collection('example').getFullList();
    pb.records.getList('example');                    => pb.collection('example').getList();
    pb.records.getOne('example', 'RECORD_ID');        => pb.collection('example').getOne('RECORD_ID');
    (no old equivalent)                               => pb.collection('example').getFirstListItem(filter);
    pb.records.create('example', {...});              => pb.collection('example').create({...});
    pb.records.update('example', 'RECORD_ID', {...}); => pb.collection('example').update('RECORD_ID', {...});
    pb.records.delete('example', 'RECORD_ID');        => pb.collection('example').delete('RECORD_ID');
  • The pb.realtime service has now a more general callback form so that it can be used with custom realtime handlers. Dedicated records specific subscribtions could be found under pb.collection().*:

    pb.realtime.subscribe('example', callback)           => pb.collection('example').subscribe("*", callback)
    pb.realtime.subscribe('example/RECORD_ID', callback) => pb.collection('example').subscribe('RECORD_ID', callback)
    pb.realtime.unsubscribe('example')                   => pb.collection('example').unsubscribe("*")
    pb.realtime.unsubscribe('example/RECORD_ID')         => pb.collection('example').unsubscribe('RECORD_ID')
    (no old equivalent)                                  => pb.collection('example').unsubscribe()

    Additionally, subscribe() now return UnsubscribeFunc that could be used to unsubscribe only from a single subscription listener.

  • Moved all pb.users.* handlers under pb.collection().*:

    pb.users.listAuthMethods()                                                 => pb.collection('users').listAuthMethods()
    pb.users.authViaEmail(email, password)                                     => pb.collection('users').authWithPassword(usernameOrEmail, password)
    pb.users.authViaOAuth2(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl)          => pb.collection('users').authWithOAuth2(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl, createData = {})
    pb.users.refresh()                                                         => pb.collection('users').authRefresh()
    pb.users.requestPasswordReset(email)                                       => pb.collection('users').requestPasswordReset(email)
    pb.users.confirmPasswordReset(resetToken, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm) => pb.collection('users').confirmPasswordReset(resetToken, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm)
    pb.users.requestVerification(email)                                        => pb.collection('users').requestVerification(email)
    pb.users.confirmVerification(verificationToken)                            => pb.collection('users').confirmVerification(verificationToken)
    pb.users.requestEmailChange(newEmail)                                      => pb.collection('users').requestEmailChange(newEmail)
    pb.users.confirmEmailChange(emailChangeToken, password)                    => pb.collection('users').confirmEmailChange(emailChangeToken, password)
    pb.users.listExternalAuths(recordId)                                       => pb.collection('users').listExternalAuths(recordId)
    pb.users.unlinkExternalAuth(recordId, provider)                            => pb.collection('users').unlinkExternalAuth(recordId, provider)
  • Changes in pb.admins for consistency with the new auth handlers in pb.collection().*:

    pb.admins.authViaEmail(email, password); => pb.admins.authWithPassword(email, password);
    pb.admins.refresh();                     => pb.admins.authRefresh();
  • To prevent confusion with the auth method responses, the following methods now returns 204 with empty body (previously 200 with token and auth model):

    pb.admins.confirmPasswordReset(...): Promise<bool>
    pb.collection("users").confirmPasswordReset(...): Promise<bool>
    pb.collection("users").confirmVerification(...): Promise<bool>
    pb.collection("users").confirmEmailChange(...): Promise<bool>
  • Removed the User model because users are now regular records (aka. Record). The old user fields lastResetSentAt, lastVerificationSentAt and profile are no longer available (the profile fields are available under the Record.* property like any other fields).

  • Renamed the special Record props:

    @collectionId   => collectionId
    @collectionName => collectionName
    @expand         => expand
  • Since there is no longer User model, pb.authStore.model can now be of type Record, Admin or null.

  • Removed lastResetSentAt from the Admin model.

  • Replaced ExternalAuth.userId with 2 new recordId and collectionId props.

  • Removed the deprecated uppercase service aliases:

    client.Users       => client.collection(*)
    client.Records     => client.collection(*)
    client.AuthStore   => client.authStore
    client.Realtime    => client.realtime
    client.Admins      => client.admins
    client.Collections => client.collections
    client.Logs        => client.logs
    client.Settings    => client.settings