[tip: it is highly recommended to not launch .exe file in folder the path of which contains cyrillic symbols.] [the latest release (0.2) could be found in "Releases" section]
=========== START =========== Enable calculations output? (y = yes, no = any other key): y Enable saving output in file? (y = yes, no = any other key): y Enter filename: test1.txt
Please enter your rules in format "P->Q" or "P->.Q" if rule is final: [input empty string to finish] [if it's needed to enter empty word as a side of the rule just enter nothing there]
Enter the string to process: aaa
String process started.
Found applicable rule: 1)a->b String after applying: baa
Found applicable rule: 1)a->b String after applying: bba
Found applicable rule: 1)a->b String after applying: bbb
No applicable rule found.
Processed string: bbb
Another one? (y = yes, no = any other key): y
=========== START =========== Enable calculations output? (y = yes, no = any other key): n Enable saving output in file? (y = yes, no = any other key): y Enter filename: test1.txt File already exists in the current folder. Choose another name: test2.txt Enter new rules? (y = yes, no = any other key): n
Enter the string to process: aaa
Processed string: bbb
Another one? (y = yes, no = any other key): n
=========== PROCESS FINISHED ===========