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a7aa48f · Aug 23, 2021


80 lines (72 loc) · 4.37 KB

File metadata and controls

80 lines (72 loc) · 4.37 KB
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choppy-lite standalone file usage

 usage: [-h] [-s SHAPE_ARCHIVE] [-r RASTER] [-x STATS]
                       [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-f OUTPUT_FORMAT] [-d OUTPUT_FILE] [-a]

 Add values via command line to send to choppy

 optional arguments:
	 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
	 -s SHAPE_ARCHIVE, --shape_archive SHAPE_ARCHIVE
	          The archived files to use to extract features and compare against the raster
	 -r RASTER, --raster RASTER
			  The rasterfile to use for retrieving zonals tats from
	 -x STATS, --stats STATS
			  Which stats should be used to to compute the zonal statistics
	 -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
			  Where should the file be stored	
	 -f OUTPUT_FORMAT, --output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT
			  the type of format to output the file as
	 -d OUTPUT_FILE, --destination OUTPUT_FILE
			  the destination output file
	 -g, --geometry
	      export the geometry field
	 -a, --all-touched
			  should all touched shapes be included

Standard usage of the the choppy command line is ./ -s <> -r <raster.tif> -f xlsx -a to create an Excel file of the zonal statistics using the all touched method and the default statistics of min, max, mean, median, majority, sum, std, and count.

Using included examples

Included in the examples/ directory is a raster image of Nebraska produced via LandScan and a shape archive of county boundaries for Nebraska. Running the example is easy: ./ -s examples/ -r examples/Neb_Landscan -f none -x "min,max,mean,std" -a -g to produce pandas output.