Type: String
Default: linefeed + linefeed
Concatenated files will be joined on this string.
Type: String
Default: 'JST'
The namespace in which the precompiled templates will be assigned. Use dot notation (e.g. App.Templates) for nested namespaces or false for no namespace wrapping. When false with amd option set true, templates will be returned directly from the AMD wrapper.
Type: function
Default: null
This option accepts a function which takes one argument (the template filepath) and returns a string which will be used as the key for the precompiled template object. The example below stores all templates on the default JST namespace in capital letters.
options: {
processName: function(filepath) {
return filepath.toUpperCase();
Type: Object
Default: null
The settings passed to underscore when compiling templates.
jst: {
compile: {
options: {
templateSettings: {
interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g
files: {
'path/to/compiled/templates.js': ['path/to/source/**/*.html']
Type: boolean
Default: false
When doing a quick once-over of your compiled template file, it's nice to see an easy-to-read format that has one line per template. This will accomplish that.
options: {
prettify: true
Type: boolean
Default: false
Wraps the output file with an AMD define function and returns the compiled template namespace unless namespace has been explicitly set to false in which case the template function will be returned directly.
define(function() {
return this['[template namespace]'];
options: {
amd: true
Type: function
This option accepts a function which takes one argument (the file content) and returns a string which will be used as template string. The example below strips whitespace characters from the beginning and the end of each line.
options: {
processContent: function(src) {
return src.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/gm, '');