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Åke Hedman edited this page Jun 3, 2021 · 5 revisions


C++ Client classes

VSCP over tcp/ip (VSCP link protocol).


Sample code

You can find a simple sample here.


You configure the client by sending a JSON object to it with the

bool initFromJson(const std::string& config)

call. You can also fetch current configuration data with

std::string getConfigAsJson(void)

The configuration has the following format

    "host": "remote host name on form tcp:// or stcp:// (secure),
    "user": "Username to use to login to the remote server",
    "password": "Password to use to login to the remote host",
    "bpoll": "Set to true to use manual polling",
    "connection-timeout": 1,
    "response-timeout": 10,
    "selected-interface": "FF:EE:DD:CC:BB:AA:99:88:77:66:55:44:33:22:11:00",
    "tls" : {
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