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Åke Hedman edited this page Mar 8, 2023 · 7 revisions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


  • Q: Why is the bitrate for CAN4VSCP 125 kbps and not variable.
  • A: The thought is to minimize parameters a user has to set when installing units. Now connect a device to the bus and it will work. 125 kbps give 500 meter for the network, a reasonable speed, and is not that critical with terminations (yes they should still be there at both ends).

Raspberry Pi

  • Q: Systemd enabled service vscpd.service not starting on boot up but able to start manually
  • A: Make sure that system-options/network-at-noot is set to "yes" using the raspi-config tool.


  • Q: The vscp daemon is disconnected periodically from the MQTT broker.
  • A: You may have two MQTT clients using the same clientID. That’s not allowed and MQTT will immediately disconnect one of the clients,
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