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CA handler using CMPv2 protocol

grindsa edited this page Aug 12, 2020 · 10 revisions

Generic CMPv2 protocol handler

The CMPv2 protocol handler is not bound to a specific ca server. Certificate enrollment is done by calling an openssl binary with cmpossl support. That means that this handler just a wrapper calling openssl with special parameters by using the subprocess module. As of today, revocation operations are not supported.

The handler has been tested against Insta Certifier


You need to patch your the local openssl version to support CMPV2. Please follow the instructions provided at the cmpossl webstite if you need further instructions how to do so.

Pre-compiled binaries for Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows are also available for testing purposes.

Technically the ca-handler acts as registration authority towards CMPv2 server. That means you need to configure a registration authority on your CMPv2 server with either Refnum/PSK or certificate authentication. Please consult your server configuration how to do this.

The configuration could be a bid tricky and may require finetuning depending on type and configuration of your CMPv2 server. I strongly suggest to try enrollment via command line first and adapt the ca_handler accordingly.

In my setup acme2certifier is authenticating via refnum/secred towards CMPv2 server. The later described ca-handler configuration maps to the below commandline.

acme/cmp/WindowsCMPOpenSSL/openssl.exe cmp -cmd ir -server -path pkix/ -ref 1234 -secret pass:xxx -recipient "/C=DE/CN=tst_sub_ca" -newkey pubkey.pem -cert ra_cert.pem -trusted capubs.pem -popo 0 -subject /CN=test-cert -extracertsout ca_certs.pem -certout test-cert.pem  -ignore_keyusage -popo 0
Parameter Value Description
-cmd ir request type "initial request"
-server address and port of CMPv2 server
-path pkix/ path on CMPv2 server
-ref 1234 reference number used for authentication towards CMPv2 server
-secret pass:xxx secred used for authentication towards CMPv2 server
-recipient "/C=DE/CN=tst_sub_ca" dn of issuing ca
-newkey pubkey.pem public key extracted from CSR
-cert ra_cert.pem public key of local registration authority
-trusted capubs.pem ca certificate bundle needed to verify the CMPv2 server certificate
-popo 0 set the ra verified Set Proof-of-Possession (POPO) method to "raverified"
-subject /CN=test-cert subject name extracted from CSR
-extracertsout ca_certs.pem file containing the ca certificates extracted from the CMMPv2 response
-certout test-cert.pem file containing the certificate returned from ca server

The latest version of the documentation for the openssl cmp CLI can be found here

Installation and Configuration

  • note down the openssl command line for a successful certificate enrollment.

  • copy the ca_handler into the acme directory

root@rlh:~# cp example/ acme/
  • modify the server configuration (/acme/acme_srv.cfg) according to your needs. every parameter used in the openssl CLI command requires a corresponding entry in the CAhandler section. The entry is the name of the openssl parameter with the prefix "cmp_", value is the parameter value used in the openssl CLI command. In addtion you need to specify the path to the openssl binary supporting CMPv2 (cmp_openssl_bin) and a temporary directory to store files (cmp_tmp_dir).

The above mentioned CLI commend will result in the below configuration to be inserted in acme_srv.cfg

cmp_openssl_bin: acme/cmp/WindowsCMPOpenSSL/openssl.exe
cmp_tmp_dir: acme/cmp/tmp
cmp_path: pkix/
cmp_cert: acme/cmp/ra_cert.pem
cmp_ref: 1234
cmp_secret: pass:xxx
cmp_trusted: acme/cmp/capubs.pem
cmp_recipient: C=DE, CN=tst_sub_ca
cmp_ignore_keyusage: True

The parameters -cmp ir, -popo 0 are set by the ca-handler. There is not need to specify these in the config. Same applies for -subject, -extracertsout, -newkey and -certout options. They will be set by the handler at runtime.

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