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ML Privacy Meter

ml_privacy_meter is a python library to carry out membership inference attacks (whitebox or blackbox) against already trained models, which can help benchmark the membership information leakage of such models. The tool generates attacks on a target model assuming blackbox or whitebox access to the target model to get the inference accuracy of the attack. Whitebox attacks can exploit the target model's parameters to infer training set membership of the input, while blackbox attacks only use the target model's predictions to infer data membership.



The API is built on top of TensorFlow 2.1 with Python 3.6. TensorFlow can be installed in a virtual environment.

To activate virtualenv:

~$ python3 -m virtualenv ~/path/to/venv
~$ source ~/path/to/venv/bin/activate

Installing ml_privacy_meter on local machine

1. Clone this repository:

~$ cd ml_privacy_meter/

2. Install all the dependencies:

~$ pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Install the library locally on your machine:

~$ pip install -e .

The library uses GPU for optimal execution. For more details on TensorFlow GPU support, look here.

Note : Though ml_privacy_meter makes use of the Eager Execution mode of TensorFlow, "tf.enable_eager_execution()" need not be called explicitly. Importing ml_privacy_meter will do that job for you.


  • ml_privacy_meter.attack consists of attacks that can be mounted against trained machine learning models. The tool implements the blackbox and whitebox membership inference attack described in Shokri, Stronati, Song, Shmatikov [1], and Nasr, Shokri, Houmansadr [2]. The tool is designed and developed at NUS Data Privacy and Trustworthy Machine Learning Lab, by (alphabetical order): Mihir Harshavardhan Khandekar, Milad Nasr, Shadab Shaikh, and Reza Shokri.


To use ml_privacy_meter's datahandler, the datasets need to be in a particular format. README in datasets/ directory contain the details about the required format. It also consists of scripts to download some datasets in the required format.

Attacking a Trained Model

ml_privacy_meter.attacks.whitebox can be used to attack any target classification model using the method is given in Nasr et al [2]. With ml_privacy_meter, helps create a customized attack model by choosing the elements of an already trained classification model. This could include the gradients (of layers with trainable parameters), intermediate outputs of hidden layers, output of the target model and value of loss function to train the inference model.

Sample code to initialize whitebox attack

In the below example, the number of epochs is set to 100 and the attack model exploits the intermediate activations of last 3 layers and the gradients of the last layer on a Fully connected Neural Network as the target model. This target model consists of 5 layers. Here, both the target classification models (used for training and the one evaluated on) are the same, but they can differ [See Note 1]. For the blackbox attack (exploiting only the output of final classification layer), the output dimension of Model A and B needs to be the same, whereas rest of the architecture can be different. For whitebox attack, the architectures need to be same. The difference between Model A and Model B for such an attack is that Model B could be trained on a different dataset.

Important arguments among them:

  • dataset_path : path to the whole dataset (in .txt format). This is required to sample non-members.
  • saved_path: Path of the saved training data of the target classification model. It has to be in a .npy format. The saved dataset is used to sample members.
  • batch_size: batch size for training the attack model.
  • attack_percentage: percentage of training data that'll be used for attack. This fraction will determine the number of members and non members that'll form the training dataset for attack model.

To attack:

attackobj = ml_privacy_meter.attacks.whitebox.initialize(
                 layers_to_exploit = [3,4,5],
                 gradients_to_exploit = [5],

 # Begins training the attack model. 
 # The attack accuracy for the attack model is evaluated during training itself on a 
 # validation/ test set that is reported on the best performing attack model 
 # (out of all the epochs).

The description of the arguments:

  • target_train_model: the target classification model used to train the attack model
  • target_attack_model: the target classification model used to evaluate the attack model [See Note 2]
  • train_datahandler: datahandler of target_train_model
  • attack_datahandler: datahandler of target_attack_model
  • optimizer: optimizer op for training the attack model.
  • layers_to_exploit: a list of layer indices of which the intermediate outputs will be exploited. This should be the index of the layer in the model.
  • gradients_to_exploit: a list of layer indices of which the gradients will be exploited. This should be the index of the layers with trainable parameters.
  • exploit_loss: Boolean. True implies loss value of the target model will be exploited.
  • exploit_label: Boolean. True implies one-hot encoded labels will be exploited.
  • learning_rate: learning rate of the optimizer op
  • epochs: The number of epochs to train the attack model.

Note 1: The whitebox class can also be used to train the whitebox attack model on a target classification model (call it model A) and evaluate it on a different classification model (call it model B). Model A's training set is used for training the attack model and model B's test set is used for evaluating the attack model (with no intersection among them).

Note 2: The target_attack_model is not a attack model but rather a classification model that the attack model will be evaluated on.

Running the Alexnet CIFAR-100 Attack

To perform an attack as in Nasr et al [2], we use the Alexnet model trained on the CIFAR-100 dataset. We perform the whitebox attack on the model while exploiting the gradients, final layer outputs, loss values and label values. First, extract the pretrained model from the tutorials/models directory and place it in the root directory of the project. unzip tutorials/models/ -d . Note : The user can also train their own model to attack simliar to the example in tutorials/ Then, run the script to download the required data files. This script calls the data processing programs using python2, so you need to have Python 2 and numpy with Python 2 support (e.g. v1.16.6) installed before running the following commands:

cd datasets
chmod +x

This downloads the dataset file and training set file and converts them into the format required by the tool. We then run the attack code python tutorials/ The attackobj initializes the whitebox class and the attack configuration. Following are some examples of configurations that can be changed in the function. Note : The code explicitly sets the means and standard deviations for normalizing the images, according to the CIFAR-100 distribution.

  1. Whitebox attack - Exploit the final layer gradients, final layer outputs, loss values and label values (DEFAULT)
attackobj = ml_privacy_meter.attack.whitebox.initialize(
  1. Whitebox attack - Exploit final two model layer outputs, loss values and label values
attackobj = ml_privacy_meter.attack.whitebox.initialize(
    layers_to_exploit=[22, 26],
  1. Blackbox attack - Exploit final layer output and label values
attackobj = ml_privacy_meter.attack.whitebox.initialize(

Available optimizers:

  1. AdaDelta
  2. AdaGrad
  3. Adam
  4. Vanilla SGD
  5. SGD with Momentum
  6. RMSProp


  1. R. Shokri, M. Stronati, C. Song, and V. Shmatikov. Membership Inference Attacks against Machine Learning Models in IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2017.
  2. M. Nasr, R. Shokri, and A. Houmansadr. Comprehensive Privacy Analysis of Deep Learning: Stand-alone and Federated Learning under Passive and Active White-box Inference Attacks in IEEE Symposiumon Security and Privacy, 2019.
  3. Moritz Hardt, Benjamin Recht, and Yoram Singer. Train faster, generalize better: Stability of stochastic gradient descent, [arXiv preprint:arXiv:1509.01240 (2015)].