Code for San Francisco manages a large number of accounts for various purposes, including documentation, forms/surveys, event management, and social media accounts. This outlines those pieces of software along with some tips on what you might find.
Airtable is where you’ll find our forms, surveys and data. In particular, you’ll find the Membership Info that we rely on for outreach to specific individuals based on skills. This is the best resource for understanding our engagement and diversity.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of our hosting options for apps and data science. Currently being used by the Data Science team. We have monthly quotas set up for alerts.
Back when we met in person, we used Envoy. This is a great check-in system for in-person (free) events, and provides critical attendance information.
Eventbrite is how we run and paid operate events, typically in-person events. Eventbrite allows for tracking tickets, registration, checking-in attendees, and more.
We have a Facebook nonprofit organization with a lively following. Great for posting the latest news and upcoming events.
Firebase is used for our link shortener. See Using the Link Shortener for more info.
All of our projects are open source, with code and tasks freely available on GitHub. Every project that uses code, uses GitHub. It’s recommended that ALL projects use GitHub for project task boards as a standard, as this is the number one place where projects are visible to the outside world.
We have several google accounts, but the most common one is [email protected]. This account is used as the default account for other online apps so we can ensure proper turnover (as people come and go, [email protected] stays the same). In particular, this is used for docs on Google Drive and domains and email accounts via Google Admin.
Some of our products are hosted on Heroku, including Intentional Walk. This SAAS product allows teams to quickly standup application servers and resources.
The account of accounts, LastPass is where all central shared accounts are stored to ensure long-term viability of the brigade.
We have a LinkedIN company and it’s very underutilized. This could be a key to our career networking at Code for San Francisco.
Mailchimp is used for distributing our newsletter and the associated analytics that come from it.
Meetup is our central portal for all events, including opening announcements (weekly hack night), paid events, and everything in between. This accounts for a large portion of our recruitment. We use a pro account grandfathered in from Code for America. When new events are added, be sure to announce them on Meetup!
We may have some domains at Namecheap. I’m not entirely sure.
Netlify is on of our hosting / domain accounts. It’s used to dynamically generate pages based on github code, such that when github is updated a new static webpage is generated from said code. Netlify has PoliceTrends, the PANDA project, and archived version of our website, and a few domains.
Notion is where our wiki and most recent product design notes are maintained.
Slack. Our community hub. Where we meet and communicate, both for video calls and asynchronous chats.
One of our primary social media accounts; post news, events, and promos, and other comments on Twitter with the SFBrigade account.
Our website, is hosted on Wix for easy of making changes.
Currently using Code for America’s account, a new account has been requested from Code for America. This zoom account is used on a weekly basis for Wednesday’s Opening Announcements.
Use | Software |
Account Management | LastPass |
App Hosting | AWS |
Heroku | |
Netlify | |
Community | Slack |
Zoom | |
Documentation | Notion (new stuff) |
Google Drive (old stuff) | |
Domain Registration | Namecheap |
Google Domains | |
Netlify | |
Events | Meetup (for posting all events) |
Envoy (for in-person event attendance) | |
Eventbrite (for paid event management) | |
Link Shortening | Firebase |
Social Media | |
Surveys and Forms | Airtable |
Website | Wix |