This page documents how to set up my workspace.
This is an aspirational section on how to set up my Manjaro workspace from scratch.
sudo pamac install fasd git htop neovim ranger
Install a GitHub SSH key
Install Chezmoi
Install & configure Kitty
Install & configure Fish
This is an aspirational section on setting up my macOS workspace from scratch.
- Change mouse scroll direction (scrolling up should go up).
- Open Finder (Option + ⌘ + Space).
- Find Mouse and open its preferences.
- Change scroll direction.
- Switch (CTRL/FN) and (option/⌘) keys on the built-in keyboard. I like it
when the CTRL is the left-most button and the alt-equivalent is the one left
of space.
- Open Finder (Option + ⌘ + Space).
- Guide.
Follow for instructions.
Homebrew is essential for installing most packages. macOS doesn't support an apt equivalent.
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-dejavu-sans-mono-nerd-font
brew install fasd git htop neovim ranger
Install a GitHub SSH key
Install Chezmoi
Install & configure Kitty
Install & configure Fish
Configure Neovim
Use Chezmoi to fetch Neovim configuration.
chezmoi apply .config/nvim
Install direnv
This section lists out installation sub-steps that are shared by all systems.
Install fish
Install fisher
Install fishmarks
Use Chezmoi to fetch fish configuration.
chezmoi apply .config/fish
fisher update
If the key has been restored and is present in .ssh
, you don't need this step.
This step requires a GitHub SSH Key.
Follow install instructions.
Initialize the repo with
chezmoi init [email protected]:gregorias/dotfiles.git
Fork my chezmoi config,
from the initialized repo.
Install kitty.
Install the selection plugin:
cd $HOME/.config/kitty git clone
Use Chezmoi to fetch Kitty configuration.
chezmoi apply .config/kitty