Search Engine Project for EECS 398 W19 at the University of Michigan
All output executables, both for the app and for any tests and spikes.
All object files. Removed on make clean
Any notes, configurations files, etc.
All project header files. (*.h, *.hpp
Any libraries that get compiled by the project or needed in development (don't think we'll have much use for this, but OpenSSL might have it.)
Small classes, test files, things currently in the early stages of development but you still want to have them committed to the repo on master
The program source files. No libraries *.cpp
All test code files.
Will start by just using a standard Makefile that works on Linux and Windows. If we need to do any real dirty platform specific stuff then we can use autotools
but I don't see the need quite yet.
The .astylerc file from Piazza is in the folder root. It should be run from the terminal before pushing to master.
TODO: automate style checking on git push.
Should be an evolving thing but to start will be designing everything as self contained libraries. Header files in the include
directory, Source in the src
directory. Everything will compile easier with a Makefile.
TODO decide whether we want multiple executables (crawler, index, server, etc) or one executable that can do everything and is configurable from the command line.