DevNote 1: Python For Loop Scope Apparently variables defined within a for loop are still maintained after the loop exits. Ambiguous if this is a feature or bug. Not sure if utilizing this feature is "pythonic" but it appears this is a part of the language, so I'm going to use it...
DevNote 2: Python Dict Order Preservation (PEP 468 ) Starting Python 3.6, Python dictionaries automatically preserve order. Not sure what OrderedDicts are useful for now adays...
DevNote 3: How to run setup.py
- Create distribution: python setup.py sdist
- Extract sdist into test directory
- Create venv
- pip install bottleneck==1.2.1
- python setup.py install
- pip uninstall pyqt5
- pip install --upgrade pyqt5
- ggui NOTE: Had to change imports in copied source code to import ggui modules from ggui package (i.e. 'import qtTabLayouts' > 'from ggui import qtTabLayouts)
Devnote 4: Documenting callback function argument PEP-0484, the PEP that introduced function annotations, has a section on this: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#callable
Devnote 5: If git reset --hard, ALWAYS STASH FIRST
Devnote 6: Glue Data object is iterable, but usually not in the ways you think. Most operations with list comprehension will fail
Devnote 7: Sphinx version 2.0 changed default master_doc from index.rst/html to contents.rst/html
Devnote 8: Could also be replaced with list comprehension, but this itertools seems to be more human readable (at least to me) and according to the stackoverflow I found it on, it is also faster:
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14807689/python-list-comprehension-to-join-list-of-lists
- return [item for sublist in [x.keys() for x in self._target_catalog.values()] for item in sublist]