pip (reference Python package manager)
> python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
> py -m pip --version
venv (should be already installed with python3)
Inside app folder create a pyton3 virtual enviornment:
> python3 -m venv env
Activate your virtual environment:
> source env/bin/activate
In order to run db.py you need to install:
Flask :
pip3 install flask
pip3 install sqlalchemy
pip3 install mysqlclient
If you got an error
Failed building wheel for sqlalchemy
at step B.2 you should runpip3 install wheel
and then try again from step 2. -
If you got an error
Failed building wheel for mysqlclient
at step B.3 then run the following commands:- Install the Python and MySQL development headers and libraries:
sudo apt-get install python-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev
- If you are using python3 then you need to install python3-dev using the following command:
sudo apt-get install python3-dev
- Install from PyPI:
pip install mysqlclient
- Then continue to section D
- Install the Python and MySQL development headers and libraries:
Important: Execute postgradb.sql file on your local mysql server in order to install postgraDB as a database on your computer
mysql> source /you_path_to_postgradb_sql_file/postgradb.sql
Important: Open db.py script and modify
(line:6) by inserting your username and password that you use on your local mysql server:create_engine("mysql://<you_username_here>:<your_password_here>@localhost/postgradb?host=localhost?port=3306")
python3 db.py
Open you browser
a) In search page user can search universities by uni_id like ("ETH, auth, Duth etc.")
b) In search page user can search available programs (by domain) using any keyword. Typing "psyc" for example will output "psychology" programs.