Hashi is a web application that integrates with UCSF ChimeraX to provide molecular visualization and analysis capabilities through a browser interface. The name "Hashi" (橋) means "bridge" in Japanese, representing the connection between ChimeraX's powerful molecular visualization capabilities and the web.
The project follows a three-tier architecture:
- React Frontend - User interface with WebGL visualization and fallback mechanisms
- Node.js Backend - API endpoints and ChimeraX process management
- ChimeraX Engine - Headless processes for molecular operations
Hashi enables users to:
- Visualize molecular structures from various file formats (PDB, SDF, MOL, CIF, XYZ) with robust fallback mechanisms
- Run ChimeraX commands via a web interface
- Manage user sessions with up to 10 concurrent ChimeraX instances
- Generate high-quality snapshots and movies for visualization
- Configure camera, lighting, and style settings for molecular rendering
- Interact with molecular structures remotely
- Save and manage molecular structures, sessions, and projects in a database
- Organize structures with tags and metadata
- Track version history of molecular structures and sessions
The fastest way to get Hashi running is with Docker:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gomesgroup/hashi.git
cd hashi
# Configure environment (minimum required)
cp .env.example .env
# Edit .env to set CHIMERAX_PATH to your ChimeraX installation
# Start containers
docker-compose up -d
# Access the application
open http://localhost:3000
/client # React frontend
/components # Reusable UI components
/MolecularViewer.tsx # Three.js based 3D renderer
/StructureRenderer.tsx # Multi-mode renderer with fallbacks
/StructurePlaceholder.tsx # Placeholder component
/EnhancedViewerControls.tsx # Controls with fallback support
/contexts # React contexts for state management
/hooks # Custom React hooks
/useChimeraX.ts # ChimeraX interaction hook
/useStructure.ts # Structure data handling
/pages # Top-level page components
/StructureViewer.tsx # Structure viewing page with fallbacks
/services # API client services
/chimeraxService.ts # ChimeraX API client
/structureService.ts # Structure data service
/styles # Global styles
/types # TypeScript type definitions
/utils # Utility functions
/App.tsx # Main application component
/index.html # HTML entry point
/main.tsx # Application entry point
/server # Node.js backend
/controllers # Route controllers
/middlewares # Express middlewares
/services # Business logic
/utils # Utility functions
/models # Data models
/routes # API route definitions
/config # Configuration
/types # TypeScript types
/validation # Input validation schemas
/fileHandling # File handling system
/shared # Shared code between client and server
/tests # Test files
/docs # Documentation
/.github # GitHub workflows
/monitoring # Monitoring configuration (Prometheus, Grafana, ELK)
/scripts # Deployment and utility scripts
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gomesgroup/hashi.git cd hashi
Configure environment
cp .env.example .env # Edit .env with your configuration
Validate configuration
npm install node scripts/validate-env.js
Start containers
docker-compose up -d
Access Hashi at
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gomesgroup/hashi.git cd hashi
Install dependencies
npm install
Configure environment
cp .env.example .env # Edit .env with your configuration
Build the application
npm run build
Start the server
npm start
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gomesgroup/hashi.git cd hashi
Install dependencies
npm install
Configure environment
cp .env.example .env # Edit .env with your configuration # Make sure to set CHIMERAX_PATH to your ChimeraX installation
Start development servers
npm run dev
Test ChimeraX connectivity
# Run the simplified development server for testing ChimeraX integration node dev-server.js # In another terminal, test the ChimeraX connection curl http://localhost:4000/api/chimerax/status # Start ChimeraX process curl -X POST http://localhost:4000/api/chimerax/start # Send a command to ChimeraX curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"command": "open 1abc"}' \ http://localhost:4000/api/chimerax/command
For production deployment, we recommend using Docker with appropriate security configurations:
- Use a reverse proxy (Nginx/Apache) with SSL termination
- Configure environment variables for production:
- Set
- Use a PostgreSQL database
- Configure a strong JWT secret
- Set up appropriate rate limits
- Set
npm run dev
- Start both backend and frontend development servers with hot reloadingnpm run dev:server
- Start only the backend development servernpm run dev:client
- Start only the frontend development servernpm run build
- Build both backend and frontend for productionnpm run build:server
- Build only the backend for productionnpm run build:client
- Build only the frontend for productionnpm start
- Run the production buildnpm test
- Run testsnpm run lint
- Run lintingnpm run format
- Format code using Prettier
Hashi comes with a complete monitoring stack:
Start monitoring services:
docker-compose --profile monitoring up -d
Access monitoring dashboards:
- Prometheus: http://localhost:9090
- Grafana: http://localhost:3002 (default: admin/admin)
- Kibana: http://localhost:5601
- API Overview
- Authentication
- Sessions API
- Structures API
- Error Handling System
- Authentication API
- Structure Modification API
- Structure Retrieval API
- Security Implementation
Hashi implements a robust three-tiered fallback mechanism for molecular visualization:
- ChimeraX Server Rendering (Primary): Uses ChimeraX's powerful rendering capabilities with OSMesa for offscreen rendering
- Three.js WebGL Rendering (First Fallback): Provides client-side 3D visualization using Three.js when ChimeraX rendering is unavailable
- Static Image Fallback (Second Fallback): Sources pre-rendered images from RCSB PDB and other molecular databases when neither interactive option is available
This approach ensures users have access to molecular visualizations regardless of server configuration or client device capabilities. The system automatically detects the best available rendering method and transitions seamlessly between them.
The project has a comprehensive testing suite including unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, performance tests, and security tests. All tests are fully integrated with CI/CD.
# Run all tests with Jest
npm test
# Run specific test types
npm run test:backend # Run backend unit and integration tests
npm run test:client # Run React component tests
npm run test:security # Run security-focused tests
npm run test:e2e # Run Playwright end-to-end tests
npm run test:perf # Run K6 performance tests
# Run all test types in sequence
npm run test:all
# Generate test coverage report
npm run test:coverage
# Run OSMesa-specific tests
npm test -- -t "OSMesa"
The project includes specialized tests for ChimeraX integration and OSMesa rendering:
Dependency Verification: Run
to check if ChimeraX and OSMesa are properly installed and configured. -
Mock Environment Testing: Use the
to simulate different environments:import ChimeraXMockUtil, { ChimeraXEnvironment } from './tests/mocks/chimeraxMock'; // Test with OSMesa available ChimeraXMockUtil.setEnvironment(ChimeraXEnvironment.FULL_RENDERING); // Test without OSMesa ChimeraXMockUtil.setEnvironment(ChimeraXEnvironment.NO_OSMESA); // Test without ChimeraX ChimeraXMockUtil.setEnvironment(ChimeraXEnvironment.NO_CHIMERAX);
Fallback Testing: Test visualization fallback mechanisms for scenarios where OSMesa rendering is unavailable.
For detailed information on testing OSMesa integration, see:
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- UCSF ChimeraX team for their powerful molecular visualization software
- Gomes Group for the project vision and support