Here's code for a simple p5.js demo of a Perlin-noise flow field.
Here’s an excellent Observable notebook with interactive illustrations of Perlin Noise flow fields:
Here’s Dan Shiffman offering an explanation on the Coding Train.
Algorithmic alternatives to Perlin Noise:
- Inigo Quilez noise examples
- Paul Bourke noise examples
- Simplex Noise
- Worley (Voronoi) Noise
- Value Noise, Gradient Noise, etc.
By Nadieh Bremer:
By Tyler X. Hobbs:
By Mark Webster:
By Lionel Radisson:
By Fred Briolet:
By Itay Niv:
By Julien Gachadoat:
By Caleb Ogg. Each circles is constructed from two identical spirals overlaid with a small offset. The direction of the offset is based on Perlin noise, yielding field-aligned interference patterns.
By Jessica In:
By 90PercentArt:
In this article, Tyler Hobbs shows how different algorithms (including circle packing) can be used to seed the initial positions of moving particles — which can affect how a Perlin Noise flow field looks.
In this example (YouTube) (discussed here, "Simulating 2D diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) with JavaScript"), Jason Webb shows how a Diffusion-Limited Aggregation simulation can be expressively altered, when the diffusing particles are not simply moving in a random way, but are moving along gradients of another simulation (in this case, a Perlin Noise flow field).