- Follow instructions from here to install a Python virtual environment, and the very useful SVG optimization and plot-prepping tool, vpype.
- If you'd like to plot directly from your computer, follow instructions from here to install the AxiDraw command-line interface (CLI), axicli, e.g.
python3 -m pip install https://cdn.evilmadscientist.com/dl/ad/public/AxiDraw_API.zip
- We'll do our Python coding with vsketch, a Processing-like python environment. Use the instructions from here to instructions from here to install it, e.g.
pipx install git+https://github.com/abey79/vsketch --system-site-packages
- Activate the virtual environment with
source myVypeEnvironment/bin/activate
. - Separately download and test the vsketch examples, with e.g.
vsk run path/to/vsketch-master/examples/shotter
- Instructions are here for creating a new vsketch project, e.g.
vsk init svg_lissajous
- A sample project, svg_lissajous is here. From within the virtual environment, this can be run with
vsk run svg_lissajous
. - This will open up the vsketch visual environment. Note that some variables can be exposed to the interface for interactive control.
- See the official vsketch examples
- vsketch can be used in Google Colab Notebooks; here's an example.
- Examples by my student Shiva Peri, showing the integration of vsketch and vpype with numpy, sklearn, and especially shapely (which can be used for advanced geometry operations like offset curves and clipping):