Some useful code chunks for navigating the world of Bash.
(Or just for me to remember things I've done before)
Set script location as working directory
#!/usr/bin/env bash export DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) echo Script directory: $DIR
Push a repository commit-by-commit (useful for very large repositories)
git log --reverse --oneline | sed -n '0~2p' | awk '{print "git push gitlab "$1":refs/heads/master"}' | while read i; do eval $i; done
Generic CMake clean function (requires
set opt -s globstar
)bash -c 'rm -rf **/*~ **/__pycache__ build dist *.egg-info **/*.so **/*.pyc'
Docker: Save current container state (in second terminal)
docker commit <containerid> <new-container-name>