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Releases: github/codeql-coding-standards


13 Jul 09:09
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v2.4.0 Pre-release

Release summary

  • New queries added for the following rule packages: IO3, Preprocessor2, Strings2
  • The following changes have been made for this release:
  • M16-3-1 - MoreThanOneOccurrenceHashOperatorInMacroDefinition.ql:
    • Removes detection of more than one occurrence in non function like Macros.

Supported versions

  • The LGTM pack is not supported on any released version of LGTM without support from GitHub Professional Services.
  • The Code Scanning pack is supported when:
    • Using the CodeQL CLI version 2.7.6 in conjunction with a copy of the CodeQL standard library for C++ (github/codeql) set to the tag codeql-cli/v2.7.6.
    • Using the CodeQL Action or CodeQL runner with the codeql-bundle-20220120.

Appendix: MISRA-C-2012 new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • RULE-4-10 - PrecautionIncludeGuardsNotProvided.ql
  • RULE-20-5 - UndefShouldNotBeUsed.ql
  • RULE-20-11 - MoreThanOneHashOperatorInMacroDefinition.ql
  • RULE-20-12 - MacroParameterUsedAsHashOperand.ql
  • RULE-22-3 - FileOpenForReadAndWriteOnDifferentStreams.ql
  • RULE-22-4 - AttemptToWriteToAReadOnlyStream.ql
  • RULE-22-5 - PointerToAFileObjectDereferenced.ql
  • RULE-22-7 - EofShallBeComparedWithUnmodifiedReturnValues.ql

Appendix: CERT-C new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • FIO32-C - DoNotPerformFileOperationsOnDevices.ql
  • FIO37-C - SuccessfulFgetsOrFgetwsMayReturnAnEmptyString.ql
  • STR37-C - ToCharacterHandlingFunctionsRepresentableAsUChar.ql


13 Jul 09:07
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v2.3.0 Pre-release

Release summary

  • New queries added for the following rule packages: Misc, SideEffects2, Strings1
  • The following changes have been made for this release:
  • Refactored A26-5-1 and MSC50-CPP to share the same query with MSC30-C.

Supported versions

  • The LGTM pack is not supported on any released version of LGTM without support from GitHub Professional Services.
  • The Code Scanning pack is supported when:
    • Using the CodeQL CLI version 2.7.6 in conjunction with a copy of the CodeQL standard library for C++ (github/codeql) set to the tag codeql-cli/v2.7.6.
    • Using the CodeQL Action or CodeQL runner with the codeql-bundle-20220120.

Appendix: MISRA-C-2012 new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • RULE-13-3 - SideEffectAndCrementInFullExpression.ql
  • RULE-17-8 - ModificationOfFunctionParameter.ql

Appendix: CERT-C new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • MSC30-C - RandUsedForGeneratingPseudorandomNumbers.ql
  • MSC32-C - ProperlySeedPseudorandomNumberGenerators.ql
  • MSC37-C - ControlFlowReachesTheEndOfANonVoidFunction.ql
  • STR30-C - DoNotAttemptToModifyStringLiterals.ql
  • STR31-C - StringsHasSufficientSpaceForTheNullTerminator.ql
  • STR32-C - NonNullTerminatedToFunctionThatExpectsAString.ql


13 Jul 09:05
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v2.2.0 Pre-release

Release summary

  • New queries added for the following rule packages: Misc, SideEffects2
  • The following changes have been made for this release:
  • Refactored A26-5-1 and MSC50-CPP to share the same query with MSC30-C.

Supported versions

  • The LGTM pack is not supported on any released version of LGTM without support from GitHub Professional Services.
  • The Code Scanning pack is supported when:
    • Using the CodeQL CLI version 2.7.6 in conjunction with a copy of the CodeQL standard library for C++ (github/codeql) set to the tag codeql-cli/v2.7.6.
    • Using the CodeQL Action or CodeQL runner with the codeql-bundle-20220120.

Appendix: MISRA-C-2012 new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • RULE-13-3 - SideEffectAndCrementInFullExpression.ql
  • RULE-17-8 - ModificationOfFunctionParameter.ql

Appendix: CERT-C new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • MSC30-C - RandUsedForGeneratingPseudorandomNumbers.ql
  • MSC32-C - ProperlySeedPseudorandomNumberGenerators.ql
  • MSC37-C - ControlFlowReachesTheEndOfANonVoidFunction.ql


13 Jul 09:03
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v2.1.0 Pre-release

Release summary

  • New queries added for the following rule packages: IO2, SideEffects1, Syntax

Supported versions

  • The LGTM pack is not supported on any released version of LGTM without support from GitHub Professional Services.
  • The Code Scanning pack is supported when:
    • Using the CodeQL CLI version 2.7.6 in conjunction with a copy of the CodeQL standard library for C++ (github/codeql) set to the tag codeql-cli/v2.7.6.
    • Using the CodeQL Action or CodeQL runner with the codeql-bundle-20220120.

Appendix: MISRA-C-2012 new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • DIR-4-5 - IdentifiersInTheSameNameSpaceUnambiguous.ql
  • RULE-3-1 - CharacterSequencesAndUsedWithinAComment.ql
  • RULE-3-2 - LineSplicingUsedInComments.ql
  • RULE-4-1 - OctalAndHexadecimalEscapeSequencesNotTerminated.ql
  • RULE-4-4 - SectionsOfCodeShallNotBeCommentedOut.ql
  • RULE-7-2 - UOrUSuffixRepresentedInUnsignedType.ql
  • RULE-7-3 - LowercaseCharacterLUsedInLiteralSuffix.ql
  • RULE-12-1 - UnenclosedSizeofOperand.ql, ImplicitPrecedenceOfOperatorsInExpression.ql
  • RULE-13-1 - InitializerListsContainPersistentSideEffects.ql
  • RULE-13-4 - ResultOfAnAssignmentOperatorShouldNotBeUsed.ql
  • RULE-13-5 - PossibleSuppressedSideEffectInLogicOperatorOperand.ql
  • RULE-13-6 - SizeofOperandWithSideEffect.ql

Appendix: CERT-C new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • EXP30-C - DependenceOnOrderOfScalarEvaluationForSideEffects.ql, DependenceOnOrderOfFunctionArgumentsForSideEffects.ql
  • EXP44-C - UnevaluatedOperandWithSideEffect.ql
  • EXP45-C - AssignmentsInSelectionStatements.ql
  • FIO38-C - DoNotCopyAFileObject.ql
  • FIO40-C - ResetStringsOnFgetsOrFgetwsFailure.ql
  • FIO41-C - DoNotCallGetcAndPutcWithSideEffects.ql
  • FIO44-C - OnlyUseValuesForFsetposThatAreReturnedFromFgetpos.ql

Supported versions

  • The LGTM pack is not supported on any released version of LGTM without support from GitHub Professional Services.
  • The Code Scanning pack is supported when:
    • Using the CodeQL CLI version 2.7.6 in conjunction with a copy of the CodeQL standard library for C++ (github/codeql) set to the tag codeql-cli/v2.7.6.
    • Using the CodeQL Action or CodeQL runner with the codeql-bundle-20220120.


13 Jul 09:01
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v2.0.0 Pre-release

Release summary

  • New queries added for the following rule packages: IO1, Preprocessor1

Supported versions

  • The LGTM pack is not supported on any released version of LGTM without support from GitHub Professional Services.
  • The Code Scanning pack is supported when:
    • Using the CodeQL CLI version 2.6.3 in conjunction with a copy of the CodeQL standard library for C++ (github/codeql) set to the tag codeql-cli/v2.6.3.
    • Using the CodeQL Action or CodeQL runner with the codeql-bundle-20211005.

Appendix: MISRA-C-2012 new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • RULE-20-1 - IncludeDirectivesPrecededByDirectivesOrComments.ql
  • RULE-20-2 - ForbiddenCharactersInHeaderFileName.ql
  • RULE-20-9 - IdentifiersUsedInPreprocessorExpression.ql
  • RULE-20-10 - PreprocessorHashOperatorsShouldNotBeUsed.ql
  • RULE-22-6 - FileUsedAfterClosed.ql

Appendix: CERT-C new queries

New queries added to cover the following rules:

  • FIO30-C - ExcludeUserInputFromFormatStrings.ql
  • FIO34-C - DistinguishBetweenCharReadFromAFileAndEofOrWeof.ql, EndOfFileCheckPortability.ql
  • FIO39-C - DoNotAlternatelyIOFromAStreamWithoutPositioning.ql
  • FIO42-C - CloseFilesWhenTheyAreNoLongerNeeded.ql
  • FIO46-C - UndefinedBehaviorAccessingAClosedFile.ql