- Familiarity with C/C++ programming
When a process is executed, the operating system allocates a Virtual Address Space (VAS) for it. This abstraction makes each process believe it has access to the entire memory of the computer, while in reality, it is working with a virtualized view of the physical memory.
The memory of a process is organized into distinct segments, listed below in order of increasing addresses:
( shown from lower address to higher address )
- Text segment contains executable code
- Data segment stores non-zero initialized static data
- Bss segment holds uninitialized static variables or variables explicitly initialized to zero
- Heap used for dynamically allocated memory (our focus in this explanation)
- Unmapped area
- Stack is used to store function activetion records, local variables and parameters
- command line arguments, environment variables
Stack: Grows downward (toward lower addresses). The current stack position is tracked by the stack pointer (sp
), and increasing the stack size reduces the value of sp
Heap: Grows upward (toward higher addresses). Its top is tracked by the program break (brk
). Increasing the heap size moves brk
to a higher address.
In high-level programming, we deal with objects, but from the perspective of memory, these are just blocks of raw bytes. The system views these blocks as a series of bits, which can be cast to any data type at runtime.
A fundamental method to increase available memory is by moving the brk. In Linux, this can be done with the sbrk
system call:
gives the current brk addresssbrk(n)
ncreases brk by n bytes and returns the previous brk- if sbrk fails, it returns
Using sbrk, a basic memory allocation function might look like this:
void *malloc(size_t size) {
void *p = sbrk(0);
void *request = sbrk(size);
if (request == (void*) -1)
return nullptr; // sbrk failed.
return p;
This naive approach raises several issues:
- how do we free that memory ?
- how can we recycle a block ?
- is it efficient to make a system call for every memory request ?
Clearly, a more sophisticated strategy is needed. To build a better allocator, we need to store metadata about each block of memory alongside the block itself. This metadata is stored in a header and can include:
struct Block {
size_t size; // block's size
bool free; // the block is currently free
Block *prev; // the block before this
Block *next; // the block after this
void *data; // a pointer to the first word of user data, aka payload pointer
For faster access, a memory block should be aligned to it's machine's word size. What does this mean ? Each block should be of a multiple of 8 bytes on x64 machines or of 4 bytes on x32 machines. To align a size to a word's size we can use this function:
static inline size_t align(size_t n) {
return (n + sizeof(void*) - 1) & ~(sizeof(void*) - 1);
Ok, now we can request the new memory from the OS, add values inside the block structure and return the payload pointer. What we built is just a sequential allocator, it is asking for more and more memory bumping the brk and is probably going to end it. This is not a good implementation ( but still a valid one ) so we are going to modify it.
A very important point is that we will need to work with headers, so it can be vital to have a function that returns a block's header
static Block* getBlock(void *data) {
return (Block *)((char *)data - sizeof(Block) + sizeof(data));
To improve our allocator we need the possibility to free blocks, to achieve this we have to set the used flag to false
void _free(void *data) {
auto block = getBlock(data);
block->used = false;
A better allocator:
- Maintains a linked list of blocks.
- Searches for free blocks to reuse memory.
- Expands the heap only when necessary using sbrk.
We need a function to search for a free block that meets the requested size. Common algorithms include:
- First-fit returns the first block bigger than the requested size
- Next-fit is a variant of the first-fit, it returns the first block bigger than the request size searching from the last successful position on the heap
- Best-fit returns the block that has the nearest ( but bigger ) size to the requested one
Each algorithm iterates over the linked list of blocks to find a suitable one. For the algorithms to function, we maintain these pointers:
static Block *heapStart = nullptr; // Address of the first block in the heap
static Block *searchStart = nullptr; // Starting point for searches
static Block *top = nullptr; // Current top of the heap
If no suitable free block is found, the allocator requests more memory from the OS:
static Block *requestFromOS(size_t size) {
size = align(size + sizeof(Block));
Block* block = (Block*)sbrk(size);
if (block == (void*)-1)
block->size = size - sizeof(Block);
block->free = FREE;
block->next = nullptr;
block->prev = top;
if (top)
top->next = block;
top = block;
if (!heapStart)
heapStart = block;
return block;
This function will request memory from the operating system, cast it to Block
and set field values.
Now our malloc will look like this:
void *_malloc(size_t size) {
if (size <= 0)
return nullptr;
size = align(size);
Block* block = findBlock(size);
if (block != NO_FREE_BLOCK) {
block->free = NOT_FREE;
return block->data;
block = requestFromOS(size + sizeof(Block));
if (block != NO_FREE_BLOCK) {
block->size = size;
block->free = NOT_FREE;
return block->data;
return nullptr;
It can really be useful to merge two free blocks, in order to iterate faster, avoid fragmentation and reduce the number of system call.
static bool canMerge(Block *block) {
Block* next = block->next;
return next != nullptr && next <= top && next->free;
static void merge(Block *block) {
Block* next = block->next;
if (next == nullptr || next->free == NOT_FREE)
block->size += next->size + sizeof(Block);
block->next = next->next;
if (block->next)
block->next->prev = block;
And when do we merge two blocks ? When we free them, so we have to update our free function
void _free(void* data) {
if (data == nullptr)
Block* block = getBlock(data);
block->free = FREE;
while (block && canMerge(block)) {
Block *prev = block->prev;
while (prev && prev->free && canMerge(prev)) {
prev = prev->prev;
We are almost done, what if we have a block of size 64 and we only needed 32 ? Our malloc is going to take all of the 64 block. It is very important to split big blocks
static bool canSplit(Block *block, size_t size) {
return block->size >= size + sizeof(Block);
static void split(Block *block, size_t size) {
size_t originalSize = block->size;
block->size = size;
Block* newBlock = (Block *)((char *)block + sizeof(Block) + size);
newBlock->size = originalSize - size;
newBlock->free = FREE;
newBlock->next = block->next;
if (newBlock->next)
newBlock->next->prev = newBlock;
block->next = newBlock;
newBlock->prev = block;
This is, we have completed our memory allocator. I wanted to make this allocator cross platform, so i mapped sbrk to VirtualAlloc using this macro:
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__WIN64__)
#include <windows.h>
#define sbrk(X) fake_sbrk(X)
void* fake_sbrk(size_t increment) {
constexpr size_t MAX_HEAP_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;
static char *heapStart = nullptr;
static char *currentBreak = nullptr;
if (heapStart == nullptr) {
heapStart = (char*)VirtualAlloc(nullptr, MAX_HEAP_SIZE, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (heapStart == nullptr)
return (void *)-1;
currentBreak = heapStart;
char *newBreak = currentBreak + increment;
if (newBreak < heapStart || newBreak > heapStart + MAX_HEAP_SIZE)
return (void *)-1;
void *oldBreak = currentBreak;
currentBreak = newBreak;
return oldBreak;
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
- Glibc malloc implementation: https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/MallocInternals
- Memory allocator: http://dmitrysoshnikov.com/compilers/writing-a-memory-allocator/
- Virtual memory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0OOmaMwcV4
π Happy low level programming...