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πŸ’Ώ Memory allocator

πŸ“¦ Prerequisites

  • Familiarity with C/C++ programming

⚑ How it works

When a process is executed, the operating system allocates a Virtual Address Space (VAS) for it. This abstraction makes each process believe it has access to the entire memory of the computer, while in reality, it is working with a virtualized view of the physical memory.

The memory of a process is organized into distinct segments, listed below in order of increasing addresses:
( shown from lower address to higher address )

  1. Text segment contains executable code
  2. Data segment stores non-zero initialized static data
  3. Bss segment holds uninitialized static variables or variables explicitly initialized to zero
  4. Heap used for dynamically allocated memory (our focus in this explanation)
  5. Unmapped area
  6. Stack is used to store function activetion records, local variables and parameters
  7. command line arguments, environment variables

πŸ”Š Stack and Heap Growth

Stack: Grows downward (toward lower addresses). The current stack position is tracked by the stack pointer (sp), and increasing the stack size reduces the value of sp. Heap: Grows upward (toward higher addresses). Its top is tracked by the program break (brk). Increasing the heap size moves brk to a higher address.

In high-level programming, we deal with objects, but from the perspective of memory, these are just blocks of raw bytes. The system views these blocks as a series of bits, which can be cast to any data type at runtime.

A fundamental method to increase available memory is by moving the brk. In Linux, this can be done with the sbrk system call:

  • sbrk(0) gives the current brk address
  • sbrk(n) ncreases brk by n bytes and returns the previous brk
  • if sbrk fails, it returns (void*)-1

Using sbrk, a basic memory allocation function might look like this:

void *malloc(size_t size) {
  void *p = sbrk(0);
  void *request = sbrk(size);
  if (request == (void*) -1)
    return nullptr; // sbrk failed.

  return p;

This naive approach raises several issues:

  1. how do we free that memory ?
  2. how can we recycle a block ?
  3. is it efficient to make a system call for every memory request ?

Clearly, a more sophisticated strategy is needed. To build a better allocator, we need to store metadata about each block of memory alongside the block itself. This metadata is stored in a header and can include:

struct Block {
  size_t size;              // block's size
  bool free;                // the block is currently free
  Block *prev;              // the block before this
  Block *next;              // the block after this
  void *data;               // a pointer to the first word of user data, aka payload pointer

βœ” Memory Alignment

For faster access, a memory block should be aligned to it's machine's word size. What does this mean ? Each block should be of a multiple of 8 bytes on x64 machines or of 4 bytes on x32 machines. To align a size to a word's size we can use this function:

static inline size_t align(size_t n) {
  return (n + sizeof(void*) - 1) & ~(sizeof(void*) - 1);

πŸ‘ Improved Allocation Workflow

Ok, now we can request the new memory from the OS, add values inside the block structure and return the payload pointer. What we built is just a sequential allocator, it is asking for more and more memory bumping the brk and is probably going to end it. This is not a good implementation ( but still a valid one ) so we are going to modify it.

A very important point is that we will need to work with headers, so it can be vital to have a function that returns a block's header

static Block* getBlock(void *data) {
    return (Block *)((char *)data - sizeof(Block) + sizeof(data));

To improve our allocator we need the possibility to free blocks, to achieve this we have to set the used flag to false:

void _free(void *data) {
  auto block = getBlock(data);
  block->used = false;

A better allocator:

  • Maintains a linked list of blocks.
  • Searches for free blocks to reuse memory.
  • Expands the heap only when necessary using sbrk.

πŸ” Finding Free Blocks

We need a function to search for a free block that meets the requested size. Common algorithms include:

  • First-fit returns the first block bigger than the requested size
  • Next-fit is a variant of the first-fit, it returns the first block bigger than the request size searching from the last successful position on the heap
  • Best-fit returns the block that has the nearest ( but bigger ) size to the requested one

Each algorithm iterates over the linked list of blocks to find a suitable one. For the algorithms to function, we maintain these pointers:

static Block *heapStart = nullptr;        // Address of the first block in the heap
static Block *searchStart = nullptr;      // Starting point for searches
static Block *top = nullptr;              // Current top of the heap

If no suitable free block is found, the allocator requests more memory from the OS:

static Block *requestFromOS(size_t size) {
    size = align(size + sizeof(Block));
    Block* block = (Block*)sbrk(size);

    if (block == (void*)-1)
        return NO_FREE_BLOCK;

    block->size = size - sizeof(Block);
    block->free = FREE;
    block->next = nullptr;
    block->prev = top;

    if (top)
        top->next = block;

    top = block;

    if (!heapStart)
        heapStart = block;

    return block;

This function will request memory from the operating system, cast it to Block and set field values. Now our malloc will look like this:

void *_malloc(size_t size) {
    if (size <= 0)
        return nullptr;

    size = align(size);

    Block* block = findBlock(size);

    if (block != NO_FREE_BLOCK) {
        block->free = NOT_FREE;
        return block->data;

    block = requestFromOS(size + sizeof(Block));

    if (block != NO_FREE_BLOCK) {
        block->size = size;
        block->free = NOT_FREE;
        return block->data;

    return nullptr;

🧩 Merging

It can really be useful to merge two free blocks, in order to iterate faster, avoid fragmentation and reduce the number of system call.

static bool canMerge(Block *block) {
    Block* next = block->next;
    return next != nullptr && next <= top && next->free;

static void merge(Block *block) {
    Block* next = block->next;

    if (next == nullptr || next->free == NOT_FREE) 

    block->size += next->size + sizeof(Block);
    block->next = next->next;

    if (block->next)
        block->next->prev = block;   

And when do we merge two blocks ? When we free them, so we have to update our free function

void _free(void* data) {
    if (data == nullptr)

    Block* block = getBlock(data);
    block->free = FREE;

    while (block && canMerge(block)) {

    Block *prev = block->prev;
    while (prev && prev->free && canMerge(prev)) {
        prev = prev->prev;

🍴 Splitting

We are almost done, what if we have a block of size 64 and we only needed 32 ? Our malloc is going to take all of the 64 block. It is very important to split big blocks

static bool canSplit(Block *block, size_t size) {
    return block->size >= size + sizeof(Block);

static void split(Block *block, size_t size) {
    size_t originalSize = block->size;
    block->size = size;

    Block* newBlock = (Block *)((char *)block + sizeof(Block) + size);
    newBlock->size = originalSize - size;
    newBlock->free = FREE;

    newBlock->next = block->next;
    if (newBlock->next)
        newBlock->next->prev = newBlock;

    block->next = newBlock;
    newBlock->prev = block;

🐧 Cross-Platform Compatibility

This is, we have completed our memory allocator. I wanted to make this allocator cross platform, so i mapped sbrk to VirtualAlloc using this macro:

#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__WIN64__)
    #include <windows.h>

    #define sbrk(X) fake_sbrk(X)

    void* fake_sbrk(size_t increment) {
        constexpr size_t MAX_HEAP_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;

        static char *heapStart = nullptr;
        static char *currentBreak = nullptr;

        if (heapStart == nullptr) {
            heapStart = (char*)VirtualAlloc(nullptr, MAX_HEAP_SIZE, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
            if (heapStart == nullptr)
                return (void *)-1;

            currentBreak = heapStart;

        char *newBreak = currentBreak + increment;
        if (newBreak < heapStart || newBreak > heapStart + MAX_HEAP_SIZE)
            return (void *)-1;

        void *oldBreak = currentBreak;
        currentBreak = newBreak;

        return oldBreak;
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <unistd.h>

🌎 Resources

🐞 Happy low level programming...