Molecule - - testing convention tool for Ansible roles. This help document will give you hints as to how to operate Molecule when developing Ansible roles.
molecule --help
Initialize an ansible role with a name.
$ molecule init --role ansible-myrole
$ ls -F ansible-myrole defaults/ handlers/ meta/ molecule.yml playbook.yml tasks/ tests/ vars/
The molecule role is pretty similar to the ansible-galaxy
role. There's a few
extra files.
is a markdown formatted README which can serve as initial documentation for the role.molecule.yml
which describes the provisioning environment where tests will occur. By default it uses Vagrant. You will want to customize the vagrant box to usedebian/jessie64
is used bymolecule.yml
to test the role. It is an ansible playbook.tests/
is an initial test template which serves as a starting point for unit testing the infrastructure provisioned by the role.
Create and start your VirtualBox Debian Jessie machine.
molecule create
Provision a VM using the Ansible role and configure it using Ansible.
molecule converge
molecule converge
command is useful for incrementally developing an Ansible
molecule test
is intended to run the full test suite on the role. However, it
is recommended to define the sequence in the molecule.yml
file. The
recommended sequence is:
- destroy
- syntax
- create
- converge
- idempotence
- verify