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Sentry JS lazily-loadable loader doesn't work #22715
Hi, I think this is intended to be used by https://sentry.io or when you are using a CDN yourself. The definitions are here: sentry/src/sentry/conf/server.py Lines 1862 to 1870 in c3da5bd
Can you share where you are seeing this script linked to? Maybe this is just a UI issue that we need to disable for on-premise (or when this setting is not set). |
@BYK Same place it's shown in the docs, in the Client Keys (DSN) settings, when pressing "Configure" on the DSN key. It would be great if this feature could be used on-premises as well, since there's no other way to lazily load the JS SDK |
@fabis94 thanks a lot for the quick turn around! I'll be investigating this. |
I can confirm that I am seeing this is the latest release of on premise as well. Like the original poster, I followed the same path and was led to this ticket. I’d be happy to debug or offer feedback. |
I've tried a number of attempts at setting system.JS_SDK_LOADER_DEFAULT_SDK_URL in sentry/config.yml and sentry/sentry.conf.py without luck so far. I receive various versions of "Unknown config option found:" in the logs. |
I was able to get this working by setting the following in sentry/sentry.conf.py
May I suggest that this be set as a default in the sentry.conf.example.py? |
@christopherowen Is that really lazy loading, though? It looks like it just loads the standard bundle instead of the specialized lazy-loadable version that is supposedly served by the cloud version of Sentry. |
yes it is, this url is loaded by the lazy loader. |
This issue has gone three weeks without activity. In another week, I will close it. But! If you comment or otherwise update it, I will reset the clock, and if you label it "A weed is but an unloved flower." ― Ella Wheeler Wilcox 🥀 |
Any updates on this? Problem is still here in Sentry 21.4.0.dev07313f65. |
@maxkachalin it is on our backlog, just didn't have time to get to it yet. |
@BYK, I see, thank you very much in advance. I've been tangled by the bot which closed issue due to inactivity. |
Same here! Following @christopherowen suggestion, it worked! Thanks! |
Hi all! Any workaround for this issue at this moment? |
The downside of this approach is that the SDK is loading from a third-party CDN, which is not ideal in some cases (eg. slower load time due to having to resolve one extra hostname, you can't customize the code at all, regulatory requirements with regards to third-party servers, etc). Until this is fixed, I'm going to try lazy loading via Webpack's lazy loading support. I've got this so far: Edit: Code is in a Github repo now: https://github.com/Daniel15/LazySentry // LazySentryImport.ts
// Only export the things you use, to try and keep bundle size small (tree shaking)
import {Integrations} from '@sentry/tracing';
const {BrowserTracing} = Integrations;
export {
} from '@sentry/react';
export {BrowserTracing}; // LazySentry.ts
type SentryImportType = typeof import('./LazySentryImports');
const isDev = window.location.hostname.includes('.localdev.');
let queue: Array<(sentry: SentryImportType) => void> = [];
let errorQueue: Array<Parameters<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>> = [];
let rejectionQueue: Array<PromiseRejectionEvent> = [];
// Before Sentry has loaded, these functions will push calls into a queue
// After Sentry has loaded, these will be replaced with the real functions
export let addBreadcrumb: SentryImportType['addBreadcrumb'] = (...args) => {
queue.push(x => x.addBreadcrumb(...args));
export let captureMessage: SentryImportType['captureMessage'] = (...args) => {
queue.push(x => x.captureMessage(...args));
return '';
export let captureException: SentryImportType['captureException'] = (
) => {
queue.push(x => x.captureException(...args));
return '';
export let captureEvent: SentryImportType['captureEvent'] = (...args) => {
queue.push(x => x.captureEvent(...args));
return '';
export let configureScope: SentryImportType['configureScope'] = (...args) =>
queue.push(x => x.configureScope(...args));
export let withScope: SentryImportType['withScope'] = (...args) =>
queue.push(x => x.withScope(...args));
export function initLazy() {
const oldOnError = window.onerror;
const oldOnUnhandledRejection = window.onunhandledrejection;
window.onerror = (...args) => errorQueue.push(args);
window.onunhandledrejection = (e: PromiseRejectionEvent) =>
import('./LazySentryImports').then(Sentry => {
window.onerror = oldOnError;
window.onunhandledrejection = oldOnUnhandledRejection;
dsn: 'https://xxxxxxxxxx/3',
debug: isDev,
environment: isDev ? 'development' : 'production',
integrations: [new Sentry.BrowserTracing()],
tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
// Override the placeholder functions with the real ones
addBreadcrumb = Sentry.addBreadcrumb;
captureMessage = Sentry.captureMessage;
captureException = Sentry.captureException;
captureEvent = Sentry.captureEvent;
configureScope = Sentry.configureScope;
withScope = Sentry.withScope;
// TODO: React ErrorBoundary
// Replay queued calls and errors through Sentry's handlers
queue.forEach(call => call(Sentry));
errorQueue.forEach(x => window.onerror?.(...x));
rejectionQueue.forEach(e => window.onunhandledrejection?.(e));
} Then just use the No guarantees on the above code and I still need to finish testing it, but on an initial test it seems to work. |
Okay so here's another PR to enable hosting the JS SDK from your own instance: getsentry/self-hosted#3365 |
Been 2 weeks. But has anyone enabled this on their instance (starting 24.10.0) yet? Any good news? https://github.com/getsentry/self-hosted/blob/8fd24d02312f9fd7990c1ad0808d561c7b4f80b5/.env#L20-L21 Set that ☝ to The URL should include the JS_SDK_LOADER_DEFAULT_SDK_URL = "https://sentry.example.com/js-sdk/%s/bundle%s.min.js" |
I forgot to turn it on during the upgrade. When I set everything up and wanted to run the package installation to get it started, it turned out that the installer is broken and could not be started during the installation. So, I waiting for a newer version to enable it during the next upgrade. |
@gander Can you share the "broken installer" message? |
Is this what it was supposed to look like? !function (n, e, r, t, o, i, a, c, s) {
for (var u = s, f = 0; f < document.scripts.length; f++) if (document.scripts[f].src.indexOf(i) > -1) {
u && "no" === document.scripts[f].getAttribute("data-lazy") && (u = !1);
var p = [];
function l(n) {
return "e" in n;
function d(n) {
return "p" in n;
function _(n) {
return "f" in n;
var v = [];
function y(n) {
u && (l(n) || d(n) || _(n) && n.f.indexOf("capture") > -1 || _(n) && n.f.indexOf("showReportDialog") > -1) && L(), v.push(n);
function h() {
y({e: [].slice.call(arguments)});
function g(n) {
y({p: n});
function E() {
try {
n.SENTRY_SDK_SOURCE = "loader";
var e = n[o], i = e.init;
e.init = function (o) {
n.removeEventListener(r, h), n.removeEventListener(t, g);
var a = c;
for (var s in o) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, s) && (a[s] = o[s]);
!function (n, e) {
var r = n.integrations || [];
if (!Array.isArray(r)) return;
var t = r.map((function (n) {
return n.name;
n.tracesSampleRate && -1 === t.indexOf("BrowserTracing") && (e.browserTracingIntegration ? r.push(e.browserTracingIntegration({enableInp: !0})) : e.BrowserTracing && r.push(new e.BrowserTracing));
(n.replaysSessionSampleRate || n.replaysOnErrorSampleRate) && -1 === t.indexOf("Replay") && (e.replayIntegration ? r.push(e.replayIntegration()) : e.Replay && r.push(new e.Replay));
n.integrations = r;
}(a, e), i(a);
}, setTimeout((function () {
return function (e) {
try {
"function" == typeof n.sentryOnLoad && (n.sentryOnLoad(), n.sentryOnLoad = void 0);
} catch (n) {
console.error("Error while calling `sentryOnLoad` handler:"), console.error(n);
try {
for (var r = 0; r < p.length; r++) "function" == typeof p[r] && p[r]();
for (r = 0; r < v.length; r++) {
_(i = v[r]) && "init" === i.f && e.init.apply(e, i.a);
m() || e.init();
var t = n.onerror, o = n.onunhandledrejection;
for (r = 0; r < v.length; r++) {
var i;
if (_(i = v[r])) {
if ("init" === i.f) continue;
e[i.f].apply(e, i.a);
} else l(i) && t ? t.apply(n, i.e) : d(i) && o && o.apply(n, [i.p]);
} catch (n) {
} catch (n) {
var O = !1;
function L() {
if (!O) {
O = !0;
var n = e.scripts[0], r = e.createElement("script");
r.src = a, r.crossOrigin = "anonymous", r.addEventListener("load", E, {once: !0, passive: !0}), n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n);
function m() {
var e = n.__SENTRY__, r = void 0 !== e && e.version;
return r ? !!e[r] : !(void 0 === e || !e.hub || !e.hub.getClient());
n[o] = n[o] || {}, n[o].onLoad = function (n) {
m() ? n() : p.push(n);
}, n[o].forceLoad = function () {
setTimeout((function () {
}, ["init", "addBreadcrumb", "captureMessage", "captureException", "captureEvent", "configureScope", "withScope", "showReportDialog"].forEach((function (e) {
n[o][e] = function () {
y({f: e, a: arguments});
})), n.addEventListener(r, h), n.addEventListener(t, g), u || setTimeout((function () {
}(window, document, "error", "unhandledrejection", "Sentry", 'REDACTED', 'https://browser.sentry-cdn.com/8.34.0/bundle.tracing.replay.debug.min.js', {"dsn": "https://[email protected]/3", "debug": true, "tracesSampleRate": 1, "replaysSessionSampleRate": 0.1, "replaysOnErrorSampleRate": 1}, false); |
@BYK @aldy505 I'm not sure the new feature introduced in getsentry/self-hosted#3365 is working as intended for self-hosting. I tried adapting the feature into our self-hosted setup to make it not depend on the external CDN, and I'm seeing the following issues:
If I'm missing anything here, I'll be happy to learn something. Thanks! |
@dlouzan Interesting to see that your dropdown has 6.x and lower. I need to find out what's giving that output, but probably what we need to do best is to provide the SDK version all the way to 4.x.
This is easy, will add that to the script! Thanks for giving these feedbacks! |
I made a comment on the PR you linked, but for completeness, there was another issue: busybox's wget does not play nice with our corporate proxy, so I replaced the part in the script with curl. |
Hopefully fixes getsentry/sentry#22715 (comment) ### Legal Boilerplate Look, I get it. The entity doing business as "Sentry" was incorporated in the State of Delaware in 2015 as Functional Software, Inc. and is gonna need some rights from me in order to utilize my contributions in this here PR. So here's the deal: I retain all rights, title and interest in and to my contributions, and by keeping this boilerplate intact I confirm that Sentry can use, modify, copy, and redistribute my contributions, under Sentry's choice of terms.
@BYK can you reopen this ticket? |
@dlouzan Hey! (and to a bunch of people subscribing to the issue here) 24.11.0 has been released. Would you mind try upgrading & check if the implementation is working as expected? https://github.com/getsentry/self-hosted/releases/tag/24.11.0 |
what should I expect? nothing has changed since 2-3 versions, but I really don't know what should be visible there, because no one has explained the effect of the changes comprehensively and unambiguously. when someone finally comes along to explain in a simple way what the effect of the changes should look like, then I can confirm or deny whether it works. |
Version Information
Version: 20.10.1
According to the documentation (https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/javascript/install/lazy-load-sentry/#sdk-version) Sentry offers a lightweight lazy-loadable version of the Sentry JS SDK which is a lot smaller than the default bundles.
I tried to use it, but when I open the script that's shown inside the "JavaScript Loader" input box as shown in the docs, the entire contents of the script look like this:
I tried grep-ing through the Sentry source code about this, but I was only able to find the template that generates this script (https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/blob/master/src/sentry/templates/sentry/js-sdk-loader-noop.js.tmpl) and couldn't figure out further how does Sentry decide to show this broken version instead of the real script.
The documentation isn't helpful either.
Steps to Reproduce
Install Sentry on-premises and check the JavaScript Loader, I guess.
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