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File metadata and controls

561 lines (427 loc) · 22.2 KB


Concourse is an integral part of Genesis v2. But rather than force operators to define the full structure of a Concourse deployment pipeline (which can get rather complex), we want to provide them a domain-specific language for specifying their pipelines.

auto sandbox-*
auto preprod-*

sandbox-a -> sandbox-b
sandbox-b -> preprod-a
preprod-a -> preprod-b

preprod-b -> prod-a
prod-a    -> prod-b

We want to stay away from YAML for this one for a few reasons: (a) to avoid the confusion of what gets merged with what, (b) to constrain the overall pipeline structure to a single, small file, and (c) I haven't found a good YAML structure for specifying the relationships that doesn't hurt my brain.

To wit, the pipeline language will need to be able to:

  • Identify the structure of the pipeline, explicitly and unambiguously.
  • Configure notifications for non-triggered deployments.
  • Configure the name of the pipeline.
  • Handle incomplete subsets of the deployment set.
  • Configure the Concourse endpoint for update operations.


The purpose of a pipeline is to test and vet configuration in less important environments (sandbox, staging, pre-production) before attempting to deploy them to more important environments (prod).

This can be handled directly by operations staff by manually controlling which environments get changes and porting configuration changes between the environments when deployments succeed, but we can do better.

Consider the following files:

  • foobar.yml
  • foobar-aws.yml
  • foobar-aws-us1.yml
  • foobar-aws-us1-preprod.yml
  • foobar-aws-us1-preprod-east.yml *
  • foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west.yml *
  • foobar-aws-us1-prod.yml
  • foobar-aws-us1-prod-east.yml *
  • foobar-aws-us1-prod-west.yml *
  • foobar-aws-eu1.yml
  • foobar-aws-eu1-prod.yml
  • foobar-aws-eu1-prod-east.yml *
  • foobar-aws-eu1-prod-west.yml *

That's a lot of files, and not all of them need to exist, but we do need to nail down a specific and well-defined set of rules for dealing with change at various levels.

(Keep in mind that what used to be site/ lives in cloud-config and global/ is in our Genesis kits)

Now let's assume that we've configured our pipeline as follows:

foobar-aws-us1-preprod-east  ->   foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west
foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west  ->   foobar-aws-us1-prod-east
foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west  ->   foobar-aws-eu1-prod-east

foobar-aws-us1-prod-east     ->   foobar-aws-us1-prod-west

foobar-aws-eu1-prod-east     ->   foobar-aws-eu1-prod-west

Or, put more succinctly, deploy east followed by west, and the U.S. preprod environments lead to deployment of both U.S. and E.U. production.

Let's look at the foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west, which should trigger after the east side. When it does, Genesis needs to merge the following files:

  • foobar.yml
  • foobar-aws.yml
  • foobar-aws-us1.yml
  • foobar-aws-us1-preprod.yml
  • foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west.yml

All but the last file are shared with the east environment, and have been vetted by the successful runs of the pipeline. That means we can and should use that version, regardless of what has changed in the interim.

If that last sentence seems confusing, consider the effect that time may have on the world. Deployment in the east side could succeed on Monday, but be delayed (either through failure, or because of required manual intervention) in the west. On Thursday, when the west side is deployed again, we want to explicitly ensure that any intervening changes to common files are not included, since those changes have not been vetted in the east.

This is where Genesis caching comes into play.

After a successful deployment of the east side, all of the intermediate files used to generate that manifest will be cached in a special directory under .genesis/. Pipelines will be configured to watch the cached files shared by any given environment and its immediate predecessor environment. In this case, that would be:

  • foobar.yml
  • foobar-aws.yml
  • foobar-aws-us1.yml
  • foobar-aws-us1-preprod.yml

foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west.yml of course, would be pulled from the main area, as it cannot (by definition) be cached in any other environment.

To explore this method of caching, I've written pipey, which you can find in the bin/ directory of this repository. Pipey takes two environment names (from and to) and figures out which hypothetical files it should watch in from's cache, and which it should include directly.

Here are some example runs.

East-to-West propagation within the same region and environment:

pipeline progression
  from [foobar-aws-us1-preprod-east]
    to [foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west]

CACHED foobar.yml                       (from .genesis/cached/foobar-aws-us1-preprod-east/foobar.yml)
CACHED foobar-aws.yml                   (from .genesis/cached/foobar-aws-us1-preprod-east/foobar-aws.yml)
CACHED foobar-aws-us1.yml               (from .genesis/cached/foobar-aws-us1-preprod-east/foobar-aws-us1.yml)
CACHED foobar-aws-us1-preprod.yml       (from .genesis/cached/foobar-aws-us1-preprod-east/foobar-aws-us1-preprod.yml)
DIRECT foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west.yml

Triggering prod in the same region:

pipeline progression
  from [foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west]
    to [foobar-aws-us1-prod-east]

CACHED foobar.yml                       (from .genesis/cached/foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west/foobar.yml)
CACHED foobar-aws.yml                   (from .genesis/cached/foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west/foobar-aws.yml)
CACHED foobar-aws-us1.yml               (from .genesis/cached/foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west/foobar-aws-us1.yml)
DIRECT foobar-aws-us1-prod.yml
DIRECT foobar-aws-us1-prod-east.yml

Triggering prod in a different region:

pipeline progression
  from [foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west]
    to [foobar-aws-eu1-prod-east]

CACHED foobar.yml                       (from .genesis/cached/foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west/foobar.yml)
CACHED foobar-aws.yml                   (from .genesis/cached/foobar-aws-us1-preprod-west/foobar-aws.yml)
DIRECT foobar-aws-eu1.yml
DIRECT foobar-aws-eu1-prod.yml
DIRECT foobar-aws-eu1-prod-east.yml


There is a temptation to unify the BOSH manifest configuration with the Concourse Pipeline manifest. The authors fell victim to this temptation on multiple occasions. We must, however, resist as best we can, for a few key reasons:

First, generating a pipeline configuration necessarily involves all environments being pipelined. If the configuration for the pipeline (i.e. BOSH credentials, worker tags, etc.) is spread out across multiple files, Genesis will have no recourse but to generate each and every manifest to put the configuration "back together" and create the Concourse pipeline file.

This is problematic on two fronts. It prolongs the process of pipeline configuration, due to the additional work of parsing, merging and evaluating all of those manifest files. More severely, it places undue restrictions on the Vault architecture chosen by the operations team.

Consider what happens when you have multiple disparate virtual private clouds, and for security reasons, you wish to run a dedicated Vault in each, such that Vault traffic need not transit the public Internet. If you attempt to deploy a single unified pipeline (perhaps utilizing remote Concourse workers), you quickly run into the fact that you can't actually generate each environments manifest from outside of that environment. How do you get to the Vault?

Instead, we should try to unify as much of the pipeline configuration into a single, Spruce-merged configuration file. We think it looks a little something like this:

  name: redis-deployments
    owner: someco
    repo:  something-deployments
    private_key: (( vault "secret/concourse/git:private" ))

  notifications: parallel

    channel: '#botspam'
    webhook: (( vault "secret/concourse/slack:webhook" ))

    stanza: here

    verify: yes


      alias:    sb # Optional
      ca_cert:  (( vault "secret/bosh/sandbox/ssl/ca:certificate" ))
      username: sb-admin
      password: (( vault "secret/bosh/sandbox/admin:password" ))

      ca_cert:  (( vault "secret/bosh/preprod/ssl/ca:certificate" ))
      username: pp-admin
      password: (( vault "secret/bosh/preprod/admin:password" ))

      ca_cert:  (( vault "secret/bosh/prod/ssl/ca:certificate" ))
      username: pr-admin
      password: (( vault "secret/bosh/prod/admin:password" ))

  smoke-tests: run-my-smoke-tests
  tagged: yes

    # genesis repipe                 ; if target is 'default'
    # genesis repipe -t azure        ; if target is 'azure' instead
    default: |+
      auto *sandbox *preprod
      sandbox -> preprod -> prod

    # genesis repipe onprem          ; if target is 'onprem'
    # genesis repipe -t ci onprem    ; if it is 'ci' instead
    onprem: |+
      auto *sandbox *preprod
      on-prem-1-sandbox -> on-prem-1-preprod -> on-prem-1-prod
      on-prem-2-sandbox -> on-prem-2-preprod -> on-prem-2-prod

    - sandbox
    - preprod
    - prod

    - on-prem-1-sandbox
    - on-prem-1-preprod
    - on-prem-1-prod

    - on-prem-2-sandbox
    - on-prem-2-preprod
    - on-prem-2-prod


Pipeline YAML Field Guide

  • - The name of your pipeline, as displayed in Concourse (i.e. 'redis-deployments'). This setting is required.

  • pipeline.public - Whether or not the pipeline is visible to everyone. Setting this to yes will make the Concourse pipeline (and all logs related to deployments) public. This is off by default.

  • pipeline.tagged - Whether or not the Concourse pipeline configuration uses tags on each job, for use in multi-site, distributed Concourse implementations. This is off by default, and if you don't know why you would need it, you don't need it.

  • pipeline.unredacted - Whether or not deployment output will be redacted when run in the pipeline. This is off by default. If you set it to 'yes', the genesis deploy output in pipeline build logs will be unredacted, showing you all of the changes that are taking place, including any changes in potentially sensitive credentials.

  • pipeline.debug - Turns on debug output when set to a YAML truthy value. Defaults to false.

  • pipeline.errands - An array of BOSH errand names, that will be run after a successful deployment / upgrade. This is especially useful for running smoke test errands.

  • pipeline.ocfp - Enable OCFP conventions regarding BOSH Cloud Config and Runtime Config names. Default is false and watches for changes on the configs named default. When true, the watched configs are named after their respective environment names. See also the pipeline.boshes.<env-name>.genesis_env property.


  • pipeline.vault.url - The URL of your Vault installation, i.e. This is required.

  • pipeline.vault.role - The AppRole GUID of a given Vault AppRole, used to generate temporary tokens for Vault-accessing during deploys. This field is optional, provided that the setup-approle Genesis addon was executed on the targeted Concourse. If you'd prefer to manage your own AppRole and policy, you may fill out this field.

  • pipeline.vault.secret - The secret key GUID of a given Vault AppRole, used to authenticate the AppRole to vault. Like the above field, it is optional provided that the setup-approle addon was executed on the targeted Concourse. If you'd prefer to manage your own AppRole and policy, you may fill out this field.

  • pipeline.vault.verify - Instruct Concourse to validate the Vault TLS certificate (if using https:// for your Vault). This is on by default, and you probably don't want to change it.

  • pipeline.vault.namespace - If using Enterprise Vault, you will need to specify the desired namespace using this parameter.

  • - Set this to false to connect with Vault deployments not based on the Genesis Vault kit, which uses Strongbox to facilitate. Defaults to true.

Git Integration

  • - The hostname of Github. Useful for on-premise, Enterprise Github installations. Defaults to

  • pipeline.git.owner - The name of the user or organization who owns the Genesis deployment repository, in Github. This is required.

  • pipeline.git.repo - The name of the Genesis deployment repository, in Github. This is required.

  • pipeline.git.private_key - The private component (i.e. ----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY--- ...) of the SSH Deployment Key for this repository, in Github. Since the pipeline will push to the repository, this key needs to be installed in the Github web interface with the Allow write access box checked. This is required if connecting to git via ssh.

  • pipeline.git.username - The username for connecting to git. This is required if connecting via https.

  • pipeline.git.password - The password for connecting to git. This is required if connecting via https.

  • pipeline.git.commits.user_name - Specify the user name for commits performed by the pipeline. Defaults to Concourse Bot.

  • pipeline.git.commits.user_email - Specify the user email for commits performed by the pipeline. Defaults to concourse@pipeline.

  • pipeline.git.config - This is a map of parameters for all the git_resource resource types used by the pipeline. This is used to specify check times, web_hooks, icons or anything else that could be configured for a resource. See Concourse-CI Resource for details.

Locker Integration

Enable Locker to prevent deploying to a BOSH director that is in the middle of being deployed, or vice versa.

  • - The URL for the Locker server. This is required.

  • - The username for the Locker server. This is required.

  • - The password for the Locker server. This is required.

  • - Set to false to validate SSL against the given ca_cert. Defaults to true.

  • - The CA Certificate for the Locker server, used for SSL validation. Defaults to null - required if skip_ssl_validation is false.

Auto-Update Genesis Assets

  • - This is the name of the file containing the kit.version value to propagate through the environments. It is usually the highest hierarchical file, but can be lower. For example, if your environments follow the pattern of <corpname>-<iaas>-<region>-<purpose>.yml, then it is recommended that you put the and kit.version in <corpname>.yml. Be sure to remove the from the lower environment, or the version won't propagate.

  • - Specify the kit being updated. This is automatically determined by the content of the deployment repo, but may need to be specified explicitly if the repo contains more than one kit.

  • - Specify the git org that contains the kit. This is automatically determined by the content of the deployment repo, but can be specified explicitly if it cannot be determined.

  • - Specify the API URL for the git server that holds the kit releases. This is usually automatically determined by the deployment repo's kit provider configuration, but can be explicitly specified if it cannot be determined.

  • - While optional, specifying the auth_token can prevent throttling when checking or fetching releases. If using Github as the kit provider, you only have to specify auth_token; however if you have a different git provider for the kit (such as an internal Enterprise Github), you can specify the auth tokens separately as kit_auth_token and github_auth_token.

  • - Specify a label for the commit message when updating the deployment repo with kit and genesis assets. Defaults to concourse


  • pipeline.notifications - Determines how notifications for pending manual jobs are handles. Defaults to inline, which puts the notification job between the completion of the proceeding job and the manual job. The alternative values of parallel and grouped both put the notification task in parallel to the manual job, meaning the notification does not have to complete before being able to trigger the manual job. The difference between the two is presentation: parallel puts the notification in the same column on the same page as the manual deployment (above or below depending on the name of the deployment job), while grouped puts the notifications in a different group page names notifications.
Notification: Slack
  • pipeline.slack.webhook - The Slack Integration WebHook URL, provided by Slack when you configure a new integration. This is required.

  • - The name of the channel (#channel) or user (@user) who will receive Slack notifications. This is required if you wish to use Slack for notifications.

  • pipeline.slack.username - The username to use when posting notifications to Slack. Defaults to runwaybot.

  • pipeline.slack.icon - URL of an image to use as the avatar / profile picture when posting notifications to Slack. Defaults to an airplane-looking thing.

Notification: Email
  • - A list of email addresses to send notifications to. This is required if you wish to use email for notification.

  • - An email address from which to send notification emails. This is required.

  • - The IP address or FQDN of the SMTP relay / mail server to send email through. This is required.

  • - The SMTP port that the relay / mail server listens on for mail submission. Defaults to the standard mail submission port, 587 (not 25).

  • - The username to authenticate to the SMTP relay / mail server as. This is required. Anonymous relays are not supported, as they are harmful to the Internet.

  • - The password to use when authenticating to the SMTP relay / mail server. This is required.

BOSH Associations

  • pipeline.boshes - The pipeline.boshes map allows you to specify the connectivity parameters of the BOSH Director to which the specified environment is deployed to. In normal circumstances, this will be the BOSH director with the same name as the environment being deployed, so it is easy to confuse the keys under this map as the name of the BOSH environment instead.

    However, in the case of deploying BOSH kit environments, you will want to specify the parent BOSH director's connection details under the name of the environment being deployed, not the name of the BOSH director being deployed to. Furthermore, if the BOSH being deployed is a proto-BOSH (aka one deployed with create-env), the map under the environment name should be empty, but it must be there.

  • pipeline.boshes.<env-name>.url - The URL to the BOSH director API (i.e. what you would normally bosh target). Each environment to be deployed via the pipeline must have one of these set.

  • pipeline.boshes.<env-name>.alias - An optional alias to use in the concourse pipeline, when generating job names, and resource names, in case your bosh env-name is rather long. If not specified, the env-name will be used.

  • pipeline.boshes.<env-name>.ca_cert - The CA Certificate of the BOSH director. This is required.

  • pipeline.boshes.<env-name>.username - The username to use when authenticating to this BOSH director. This is required.

  • pipeline.boshes.<env-name>.password - The password for the configured BOSH user account. This is required.

  • pipeline.boshes.<env-name>.genesis_env - The Genesis environment name of the BOSH server, for OCFP naming conventions to properly apply. Only useful when pipeline.ocfp is set to true. Defaults to the <env-name>, which is different only when deploying OCFP environment BOSH servers.

Task Configuration

  • pipeline.task.image - The name of the Docker image to use for running tasks. This defaults to starkandwayne/concourse, and you are highly encouraged not to change it without good reason.

  • pipeline.task.version - The version of the Docker image to use for running tasks. This defaults to latest, which should work well for most implementations.

  • pipeline.task.privileged - A list of environments that require the bosh-deployment tasks to be run in privileged mode. Defaults to empty list.

Default Image Registry

  • pipeline.registry.uri - The URI of the default image registry tu use, for fetching custom resource types. Whenever this is defined, it will be prepended to any custom task image name defined by pipeline.task.image.

  • pipeline.registry.username - The username to use when accessing the image registry.

  • pipeline.registry.password - The password to use when accessing the image registry.


  • pipeline.groups - Groups jobs together under a header and show them on different tabs in the user interface. It does not change functionality of the pipeline.

Pipeline Override Configuration

If you need to edit and make changes to your deployment pipeline, simply add the changes you need to the bottom of your ci.yml located in your *-deployments repo. For example, if we have a pipeline we need to edit the 'check_every:' parameter of a resource named git we can add the block below under our pipeline layouts:


  test-sandbox-ops: |+
    auto *test-sandbox *test-staging
    test-sandbox -> test-staging

- name: git
  check_every: 15m