Simple Nessus is a Ruby script that extracts only the most relevant information from Tenable Nessus reports.
It works with any proper .nessus (v2) file, even if the extension is changed. If you still need to work with v1 Nessus files, use the old Perl version of Simple Nessus, which can be found in previous commits of this project.
Simple Nessus is developed on Ruby 1.9.3p194 and requires Nokogiri and Trollop. To install them, open the terminal and run
gem install nokogiri
gem install trollop
To use Simple Nessus, run it as follows:
ruby simple-nessus.rb -f {NESSUS-FILE} [OPTIONS]
The currently available options are:
-v, --version Shows program version
-h, --help Shows help
-f <file> Set the input Nessus file to parse
-s <severity> Set the minimum severity to extract
-s A info, low, medium, high, critical
-s L low, medium, high, critical (default)
-s M medium, high, critical
-s H high, critical
-c <separator> Change the CSV output file separator (default ';')
ruby simple-nessus.rb -f nessus-test-01.nessus -s M -c ,
Copyright (c) 2017 Giovanni Cattani
Simple Nessus is released under The MIT License.