Format | Option name |
Binary | -fbin |
Commodore .PRG | -fcbm |
This format's entry point is the first object's first section. XLink will generate the right SYS instruction and address for you. The first section may specify a location. If not, the lowest possible BASIC address is used.
These machine definitions declares two or three pools, depending on the machine configuration.
The regular -cc64
, -cc128
, -c264
defines three pools. Two of these will never be used by the linker automatically, you have to specify absolute placement within these groups with the SECTION
directive in the assembler source code file.
The main pool is the free area used for BASIC programs. Room is reserved for an initial SYS
entry program. There is also a low memory pool from $0
to $1FF
(ZP and stack), and the high memory area above the BASIC area until $FFFF
. It is these two last pools that will never be used by the linker automatically.
Configuration | CODE/DATA start | CODE/DATA End |
-cc64 | $80E | 9FFF |
-cc128 | $1C0E | EFFF |
-cc264 | $100E | FCFF |
The Commodore 128 Function ROM is a binary format that can be burned onto an EPROM and placed internally in the C128 (or externally on a cartridge). The images must start with a particular header. XLink doesn't produce this header automatically.
The first object's first section must contain this header. Alternatively it's possible to specify a load address for a section and place it at the right address.
The configurations -cc128f
, -c128fl
, and c128fh
are used to define pools suitable for creating C128 function ROMs. These will create a pool in ROM for the CODE
and DATA
groups, and a pool for the BSS
group covering all RAM from $0000 to $FFFF. It is up to the user to place BSS SECTIONs at specific addresses themselves, the linker will not allocate automatically from this pool.
Configuration | CODE/DATA start | CODE/DATA End |
-cc128f | $8000 | $FFFF |
-c128fl | $8000 | $BFFF |
-c128fh | $C000 | $FFFF |