Hello, this is where POVI.Toekom.st lives.
The Netherlands has 12 provinces. According to the environmental act, which is expected to come into power in 2023, all provinces are expected to have a provincial environmental vision. In the environmental vision, the province lays down its ambitions and policy goals for the physical living environment for the long term. The province establishes 1 environmental vision for the entire territory. In addition, the province can draw up a joint or regional environmental vision together with other municipalities or provinces.
At POVI.Toekom.st I've tried to collect all provincial environmental visions of Dutch provinces, so we can see how the provinces imagine their future.
Version: 0.1
Built and maintained by Ganesh Babu If you would like to contribute to this project, or if you have any questions about it, please use this Contact Form.
the projection error between provincial borders and the raster images.
a layer with all the maps from provinces fused at the national scale.
Navigation bar to connect to the main site.
out to original authors and ask for higher resolution maps.