- Monday, October 26th, 2020 at 14:00 (CET)
- Zoom meeting: https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/83332697370?pwd=OWZTdmhZdktEMnZtNEhjOXQ3RmFEQT09
- The connection details are here
- Short Introduction : the gammapy projet, B. Khelifi (APC, France) - Slides
- Gammapy - a Python Package for (not-only) Gamma-Ray Astronomy, A. Donath (MPIK, Heidelberg) - Slides
- Input data formats for gammapy: DL3 and beyond, R. Terrier (APC, Paris) - Slides
- Examples of MWL/MM analysis: joint analysis of the Crab nebula, C. Nigro (IFAE, Barcelona) - Material
- Gammapy docs: http://docs.gammapy.org
- Gammapy webpage: http://gammapy.org/
- Gammapy development: github.com/gammapy/gammapy
See http://gammapy.org/contact.html for contact info, e.g. mailing list for announcements or questions, Slack for help or to join development, ...