Instead of the autumn coding sprint we have another "Gammapy co-working week" from Nov 23rd to 27th 2020. Ideally all participants can dedicate most of their time to work on Gammapy during the week and make sure they are available for spontaneous discussions on Slack and remote meetings via Zoom.
A Zoom room is open for the full week. ID: 837 3792 5932
The password will be given on Slack (#dev channel).
In between communication via Slack: (#dev channel)
For this co-working week we will put a strong focus on documentation!
Kick off meeting with presentations on Zoom 14h00
- Axel: Introduction and overview (5 min.) (slides)
- Laura: HAWC analysis with Gammapy & proposed features (10 + 5 min.) (slides)
- Valentina: Real time analysis requirements (10 + 5 min.) (slides)
- Quentin: Model management, fit strategies & various ideas inspired from the CTA GPS analysis (10 + 5 min.) (slides)
- Régis: PIG 22, unified estimator result object (10 + 5 min.) (slides)
- José Enrique: Ideas docs and release workflow improvements (10 + 5 min.) (slides)
- Axel: Work organisation / coding projects for the week (10 + 5 min.) (Notes)
- Kick off RTA (Bruno, notes)
- Discussion on Dataset unification (Axel, notes)
- Planned work:
- José Enrique: migrate from Travis to github actions
- Bruno, José Enrique, Régis, ...: RTA
- Axel, Fabio, Laura, Régis: dataset unification
- Atreyee: docs status and preparation for improvements
- Quentin: proof of concept to replace
- Validation...
- Discussion on PIG 22 & estimator API (Régis, notes)
- Summary on RTA work
- Atreyee: First results from the user feedback form (5 + 5 min.) (slides)
- Discussion on docs setup (José Enrique, notes)
- Discussion on model handling (Quentin, notes)
- Continue discussion on model handling
- Discussion on documentation content (Atreyee, notes)
- "Group photo" (screenshot)
- Discussion on MapDataset plotting: gammapy/gammapy#3001 (comment)
- Model handling use cases
- Paper:
- Quick report by everyone
- Valentina: summary on the RTA work and plans (slides)
- Close out meeting
- Notes:
- Axel writes the summary document for the co-working and sends it around on the slack channel and forwads it to the Gammapy CC
- Move to ZOOM for dev meetings, Régis will schedule them
- Establish Gammapy co-working day until v1.0, Axel sets up a Doodle
- Add more entries in HowTo, collect in a Github issue
- Axel Donath, MPIK Heidelberg, Germany (adonath)
- Régis Terrier, APC Paris, France (registerrier)
- Atreyee Sinha, LUPM Montpellier, France (AtreyeeS)
- Quentin Remy, MPIK Heidelberg, Germany (QRemy)
- Bruno Khelifi, APC Paris, France (bkhelifi)
- Jose Enrique Ruiz, IAA-CSIC Granada, Spain (bultako)
- Laura Olivera Nieto, MPIK Heidelberg, Germany (LauraOlivera)
- Fabio Pintore, INAF/IASF Palermo, Italy (fabiopintore)
- Valentina Fioretti NAF OAS Bologna, Italy (vfioretti)
- Fabio ACERO, CEA/Saclay, France (facero)
- Giovanni De Cesare INAF/OAS Bologna Italy (giovixo)
- Giulia Stratta INAF/OAS Bologna Italy (gistratta)
- Ambra Di Piano INAF/OAS Bologna Italy (ambra-dipiano)