domain-watch [flags] domain...
--completion string Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell (one of bash, zsh, fish, powershell)
--domains strings List of domains to watch
-e, --every duration Enable cron mode and configure update interval
--gotify-token string Gotify app token
--gotify-url string Gotify URL (include https:// and port if non-standard)
-h, --help help for domain-watch
--log-format string Log formatter (one of auto, color, plain, json) (default "auto")
-l, --log-level string Log level (one of debug, info, warn, error) (default "info")
--metrics-address string Prometheus metrics API listen address (default ":9090")
--metrics-enabled Enables Prometheus metrics API
-s, --sleep duration Sleep time between queries to avoid rate limits (default 3s)
--telegram-chat int Telegram chat ID
--telegram-token string Telegram token
-t, --threshold ints Configure expiration notifications (default [1,7])
-v, --version version for domain-watch