convert world files from mobac to BSB files using imgkap.exe ( on windows. This small tool allows you to convert world files generated by mobile atlas creator to BSB files. It needs python installed (tested with 2.7). If GDAL is also installed, it uses GDAL to convert the charts. Otherwise it will do some internal conversion. WARNING: The conversion is not exact - MOBAC generated stuff will have google mercator (world as sphere) whereas the BSB charts assume WGS 84 (world as ellipsoid). At the map corners everything is fine. Anyway within the map there will be slight differences. For the normally used zoom level (10...17) this should be acceptable as long as your single chart is not too big (e.g. >>1000px in one direction). For the non-gdal mode there are no checks for the input material... In MOBAC ( save your atlas as png + world file. Start the conversion with: It will produce the *.kap files in the same directory. Use option -n if you do not want GDAL (
Install hints:
download python + gdal: (Windows) Python 2.7.3 from\gdal-19-1600-x64-core.msi\ add gdal to path - control panel, search for environment, add PATH : %PATH%;c:\Program Files\GDAL add GDAL_DATA to env GDAL_DATA=c:\Program Files\GDAL\gdal-data
download imgkap.exe
the python script
You can find the script also at
- On Linux Systems you need to compile imgkap by your own - but this is easy (Thanks to Oleg for his description)
sudo aptitude install git gcc python-gdal libfreeimage-dev
git clone
cd imgkap
cd ..
git clone
cd mobac_convert
PATH=$PATH:../imgkap ./ /path/to/mobac_png_charts