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A webpack loader, for using SVG images via use[href] references. A thin wrapper around @svg-use/core.

Quick start

First, install the plugin, and the default React wrapper:

pnpm install --dev @svg-use/webpack
pnpm install @svg-use/react

Configure webpack

In your webpack config file (typically webpack.config.js):

  module: {
    rules: [
        // Match assets such as `arrow.svg?svgUse`, making them compatible with
        // `svg > use[href]`. Emit a transformed SVG asset, and return a JS
        // module with all the relevant information.
        test: /\.svg$/i,
        resourceQuery: /svgUse/i,
        oneOf: [
            // Assets without a theme, such as country flags. Referenced as
            // `icon.svg?svgUse&noTheme`
            // Note: Instead of this rule, you could decide to load these SVGs
            // as 'asset/resource', in order to use their URL string in img[src]
            test: /\.svg$/i,
            resourceQuery: /noTheme/i,
            type: 'javascript/auto',
            use: [
                loader: '@svg-use/webpack',
                options: {
                  getThemeSubstitutions: null, // no theme for these ones
                  // Customise to your heart's content
                  svgAssetFilename: 'svgAssets/[name]-[contenthash].[ext]',
            type: 'javascript/auto',
            use: [
                loader: '@svg-use/webpack',
                options: {
                  // Customise to your heart's content
                  svgAssetFilename: 'svgAssets/[name]-[contenthash].[ext]',

Optional: Configure TypeScript

If you are using TypeScript, you can get types for the default config by adding the following in a .d.ts file in your project. For example, you can include this in src/client.d.ts, or any other applicable place.

/// <reference types="@svg-use/webpack/client" />

Overriding default types

If you wish to override the default types, add a separate .d.ts file with your types. Then, reference that file in client.d.ts, prior to the built-in types

For example, suppose you have changed the signature of the factory function. Specify your own definitions, such as svg-use-overrides.d.ts:

declare module '*.svg' {
  export const Component: ReturnType<
    typeof import('./path/to/my/factory').myFactoryName

In client.d.ts:

/// <reference types="./svg-use-overrides.d.ts" />
/// <reference types="@svg-use/webpack/client" />

Use it in your components

import { Component as Arrow } from './arrow.svg?svgUse';
import { Component as ArrowNoTheme } from './arrow.svg?svgUse&noTheme';

const MyComponent = () => (
    <Arrow color="currentColor" />
    <ArrowNoTheme />

You can also create your own SVG use[href] wrappers, using the other named exports. This is how the default Component factory works under the hood:

import { url, id } from './arrow.svg?svgUse';
import { createThemedExternalSvg } from '@svg-use/react';

export const Arrow = createThemedExternalSvg({ url, id });

Worked example

Consult examples/webpack-react for a worked example. You can use this as a playground for understanding the transformations, as well as the different moving parts, isolated from your own application's configuration.



optional svgAssetFilename: string

Default: [name]-[contenthash].[ext]

The output filename for the transformed SVG asset. Often useful if you are placing your assets under a specific path, for example to facilitate caching.

Uses the same syntax/replacements as webpack's native assetModuleFilename.


optional getSvgIdAttribute: (info: {filename?: string; existingId?: string;}) => string;

Specifies an id for the referenced <svg>, set as the id attribute on the root. An id is required in order for use[href] to work. A default is provided if this is not defined.

Options shared with @svg-use/core