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This Hardhat plugin automatically starts and stops Anvil when running tests or scripts.


This plugin creates a network named anvil. When this network is used, it can either connect to a running anvil instance or launch a new server automatically before running tests and scripts.


Anvil binary

See anvil installation


npm install --save-dev @foundry-rs/hardhat-anvil

And add the following statement to your hardhat.config.js:


Or, if you are using TypeScript, add this to your hardhat.config.ts:

import "@foundry-rs/hardhat-anvil";


This plugin hooks into the test.

Environment extensions

This plugin adds a waffle object to the Hardhat Runtime Environment. This object has all the Waffle functionality, already adapted to work with Hardhat.

This is a slightly modified, anvil compatible version of @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle.


Once anvil is installed you can simply run it and configure it via the CLI.

Once installed, you can build your tests almost like in Waffle.

Instead of importing things from ethereum-waffle, you access them from the waffle property of the Hardhat Runtime Environment.


You can set any of the Anvil's options (or anvil --help) through the anvil network config.

Note: currently only default settings are used if launch: true. All other configs are currently ignored

It's recommend to spawn anvil manually in a separate shell, see also Foundry repo

This example sets a larger block gas limit and the default balance of Anvil's accounts.

module.exports = {
  defaultNetwork: "anvil",
    anvil: {
      url: "",
      launch: false, // if set to `true`, it will spawn a new instance if the plugin is initialized, if set to `false` it expects an already running anvil instance

By default, the anvil object will be configured as

  hdPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/",
  mnemonic: 'test test test test test test test test test test test junk',
  url: '',
  launch: true,
  accounts: {
    mnemonic: 'test test test test test test test test test test test junk',
    path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/"