This is a base-stack for Forge 42 projects. This stack is a starting point for all Forge 42 stacks with more advanced features. This is an ESM Vite stack with
It includes a basic setup for a project with and:
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Vite
- Vitest (unit tests)
- Scripting
- ESLint
- i18n support
- Icon generator
- Husky hooks
- remix-development-tools + plugins
- Initialize the repository with our CLI:
npx f42 init -t base-stack -o ./your-project-name-here
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
Read through the files in the project to understand our decisions.
Run the cleanup script:
npm run cleanup
This will remove everything in the project related to the base-stack like etc. This is the first thing you should run after initializing the project. After it is run it will remove itself from the package.json.
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Happy coding!