2.6.0 (2025-03-04)
2.5.0 (2025-02-28)
- hide KRC20 operation (a1e1870)
- kns-lookup-and-recent-recipient (#40) (a248af4)
- krc20-transfer (#34) (480610a)
- krc20: krc-20-forbole-fee (#39) (f69433e)
- style: improve styles in recovery phrase components (#36) (28623c9)
- style: shrink address in manage accounts page (#38) (2990a87)
- error upon invalid seed phrase (a2026c1)
- fix back for token operation (b0d5c9d)
- history item data (1253181)
- KRC20 market average pricing (f0fe47d)
- privacy policy link (bdaff7a)
- temporary updating fees (d81b07c)
- token price formatting (4b4dc8b)
- typos (259c437)
2.4.0 (2025-02-13)
- group posthog events per person (8765863)
- replace
to pass review (1cf1bcc)
2.3.0 (2025-02-11)
- add
method for KRC20 swap (#22) (082cdd4) - delay password validation (#29) (f1a6727)
- improve manage accounts page (#24) (4f3800e)
2.2.0 (2025-02-07)
2.1.0 (2025-02-05)
2.0.3 (2025-02-04)
2.0.2 (2025-02-04)
- api: fix getCurrentAccount logic (#9) (55783b3)
- capitalize extension name (7925262)
- hotfix missing public keys handling (#10) (7f8a065)
2.0.1 (2025-02-03)
- initial commit (49d8887)
- release 2.0.0 (dac804b)
1.3.5 (2025-01-21)
- force RPC URLs update (78c8a3b)
1.3.4 (2025-01-21)
- trigger release (28d3c17)
1.3.3 (2025-01-21)
- force updating the RPC URLs (6a89c28)
1.3.2 (2025-01-21)
- trigger release (08f870d)
1.3.1 (2025-01-21)
- back navigation connected app screen (59ff817)
- limit number of decimal places for KAS amount (739dd44)
- max amount edge case (d5bbb56)
1.3.0 (2025-01-21)
- add settings footer details (47c58c0)
1.2.3 (2025-01-21)
- fullscreen layout scroll (30a0f17)
1.2.2 (2025-01-20)
1.2.1 (2025-01-20)
- trigger release (1e4ced7)
1.2.0 (2025-01-20)
- improve error message (f2e8f25)
- disable confirm if no amount (a052b18)
- estimate rerender (661c67a)
- fix closing cross behavior (b2f3260)
- fix duplicated addresses showing in manage accounts page in dev mode (#12) (031600b)
- import seed behavior (b3c5942)
- KAS amount decimal places (c99d548)
- mark imported wallets as backed-up (c3abb0e)
- password setup tabindex (47b5445)
- prevent first seed to be marked as backed up (f7027fb)
- sending funnel behaviors (4c4ae8a)
- sync KAS and USD inputs (4f88089)
- wording (0c9f49d)
1.1.0 (2025-01-15)
1.0.2 (2025-01-14)
1.0.1 (2025-01-13)
- enforce minimum sending amount of 0.2 KAS as per KIP-0009 standard (ed51b86)
- release 1.0.1 (bcaaf82)
- account rename workflow (d63deca)
- account selection (cf3d4b9)
- add account dropdown (3c8ce4b)
- add accounts imported page (e0140e6)
- add copy button feedback (3ee3131)
- add debounce to avoid from blinking on loading (5e15262)
- add demo page (d0101c3)
- add draft KastleAPI for communicating with website (9daf08a)
- add error toast for managing accounts (ca4b084)
- add favicon to connected apps (590587f)
- add get address button to demo (1937ccc)
- add getAddress API (b1992b1)
- add link to telegram (1139458)
- add logo to receive qr code (af92833)
- add publish GH action (eab78db)
- add toast (9393d08)
- add unlock keyguard for api pages (c1a6383)
- add wallet dropdown (f8404cf)
- add wallet implementation (283eca0)
- add wallet interface (267abee)
- add wallet interface (cf4a26f)
- add warning temporary dismiss (c837952)
- adding show more button (0518743)
- allow pasting whole phrase into one input (cdd5eec)
- auto refresh (b1c628d)
- balance (6fd4949)
- balance account list (2a98a04)
- build backup unlock page (929053d)
- build create password page UI (20d9239)
- build initial connect ui (f853e48)
- build onboarding page UI (48d91cb)
- build PoC of the communication between extension ui and browser api (c4e1936)
- build signAndBroadcastTx API (fa049de)
- build splash ui and set loading page to it (7c4c0b2)
- build welcome page UI (c706391)
- change network (d827868)
- confirm api for sending and receiving message between extension and browser (6b40bab)
- connect sidemenu wip (e9970d1)
- connect wallet manager (4d43b86)
- disable backup warning (adb2e98)
- enable browser api get current account address (25b7476)
- encryption (f504750)
- handle reading words from clipboard (1742e4f)
- hide balances in side menu (e82d47a)
- implement alert banner by toast (51beb2e)
- implement confirm connect process (4e198c7)
- implement forgot password button (9ba4f1f)
- implement hide/unhide balance (47cd7f4)
- implement lock after option changes (957a9b2)
- implement private key account refresh (c8eb84f)
- implement reset wallet (37f1e42)
- implement show recovery phrase (2d0a757)
- implement the add mnemonic flow (5148c45)
- implement the import mnemonic flow (a39be01)
- import private key wip (941b54d)
- improve backup wallet alert (5f55c29)
- improve clipboard UX (b1b6029)
- improve sign and broadcast transaction process (7304a2b)
- init connected apps (4f1ae32)
- list accounts (e3e528f)
- lock (0bb4813)
- lost password ui (2c2c668)
- make show private key and recovery phrase be full page (789e9a3)
- manage account page (b8971c4)
- manage account page (61a49ea)
- more ui (1c21111)
- more ui (7d831cf)
- more wireframe (3d4e72f)
- onboarding screen (1392a6f)
- persist hidden/shown balances (b962626)
- refactor add-account (4ea301e)
- refactor add-mnemonic (f3166f8)
- remove password strenth restriction (3db795f)
- remove wallet (3ad37e2)
- rename account UI (743eee6)
- rename import screen (a8f5f8e)
- reopen extension after import (058700b)
- reset wallet if no more wallet exists after removing (5da4578)
- rough seed phrase view (83bc543)
- secure mnemonic (c33a002)
- send (8426049)
- send & receive wireframe (0451437)
- send flow (c9739f6)
- session timeout (abb0633)
- session timeout wip (a17d350)
- session timeout wip (04e5ede)
- setup pixel-icon-library (b2424b9)
- setup preline (d2154b3)
- show private key (20c3687)
- show warning when seed not backed up (e731483)
- testing rpc (7e87651)
- transaction estimation (3a0dd9f)
- UI skeleton (45717a8)
- using react router dom (848d8fe)
- wallet actions (87585e0)
- wasm (2f70f6c)
- welcome screen (b747ce4)
- wireframe wip (a976e52)
- account management address length (81f945a)
- add missing hide balances to initial settings (811beb2)
- add missing key for accounts elements (11c990a)
- add missing listener for receiving extension message (eb8c18b)
- add missing selected wallet id back to settings (6ad9b1e)
- adjust account naming to start from 1 index (5966be8)
- adjust account naming to start from zero index (c5c9854)
- adjust decimal places (9b60695)
- amount form handling (49ee9b0)
- avoid from async await in main.tsx to be possible to build the library (0dfeb8f)
- avoid from modifying host name to connect unexpected sites (fbf5ddb)
- change the name of action (e65e79b)
- CI config (02b7a9a)
- CI config (a1f232e)
- dashboard rework (86ca4c2)
- decimal places (3feeeb0)
- disable minification for now (9351f16)
- don't show error until fields dirty (b12d94b)
- fix address end substring range (74b4238)
- fix api isHostConnected method (bcb9ed1)
- fix default account name incosistency after managing (a5a548a)
- fix default account name to 0 (66c5971)
- fix empty address issue by adding get current address handler (3b7f605)
- fix get current account inside connect confirm page (703141f)
- fix get current account inside hooks (dafa64b)
- fix get current account method (7ce8dd8)
- fix import accounts index ordering after managing (8aa7f30)
- fix password strength algorithm (b14b4a7)
- fix rpc url with /borsh (6775359)
- fix unlink connected apps (75e2425)
- handle network switch (cd8cca5)
- handle privatekey balance (3a2a28d)
- header (fb6be1e)
- improve update selected accounts to be sorted by index and prevent 0 accounts in wallet (96fd3fa)
- initialize wasm in background script to allow it to access wallet (20a535a)
- lowercase package name (45b43c6)
- make account start from 0 (3359c39)
- missing refactor (3c03705)
- naming (62862ee)
- package.json description (589c67e)
- preline init script (7044385)
- preline init script (3cec6ee)
- proper explorer links (2cd2d4b)
- publish GH action (245cbfc)
- publish GH action (208dbd2)
- publish GH action (43bba3c)
- publish GH action (1f2f683)
- publish GH action (337143e)
- re introduce the add button (7ce789e)
- recovery phrase and private key default numbering (3f91cf7)
- release-please.yml (0e0e333)
- remove backup private key button (531d78e)
- remove coma from balance (c79b30b)
- remove log (c150c27)
- remove selected wallet id from settings and update connect confirm page (baf8e2f)
- remove unnecessary auto-lock alarm reset in initialization phase (06b961c)
- revert browser api and make it works properly (65ad5f0)
- select the first account of the first wallet when the selected wallet removed (f952a96)
- send amount behavior (c836918)
- solve wasm loading issue (51250f5)
- types (90fefbb)
- typo (0017e9e)
- unlock redirection (25ecd51)
- update import path (19ec8c1)
- use USD in sidebar (002a297)
- wrong import (59c8944)