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Historically, inheritance have been the way to sell Object Oriented Programming. It appears later that, inheritance is less important that it was envision first.

The initial idea is to be able to reuse part of the definition of one class A to define another class B which is a kind of like A.

class A {
class B extends A {  // I want to reuse and augment the definition of A

Precisely, inheritance is 3 different things grouped together

  • subtyping everywhere something is typed A, you can send a B instead
  • members inheritance all instance members of A are copied in B
  • polymorphism you can replace the code of a method from A to adapt it to B


Subtyping is the most important part of the inheritance, it allows to reuse an existing code written for an A with an instance of B.

let suppose, I have a method sayHello() for a A

class A {
void sayHello(A a) {
  System.out.println("hello " + a);
var a = new A();

if I create a B that inherits A, then i can use instance of B as argument of hello().

class B extends A {  // so B is a subtype of A
var b = new B();

subtyping is very important, because it means that we can reuse a method by calling it with several different types. And given that, The more a method is used, the less buggy it is, subtyping helps to make applications more robust by sharing methods.


Polymorphism works with subtyping, subtyping allow to call a code with a subtype of the declared type. Polymorphism allows to adapt parts of the shared code to the subclass at runtime.

By example, let suppose we have a class able to 'enhance' a text by making it more beautiful

class Enhancer {
  String enhance(String text) {
    return "_" + text + "_";
void sayHello(Enhancer enhancer, String text) {
  System.out.println("hello " + enhancer.enhance(text));
var enhancer = new Enhancer();
sayHello(enhancer, "polymorphism");
class StarEnhancer extends Enhancer {
  String enhance(String text) {
    return "*" + text + "*";
var enhancer = new StarEnhancer();
sayHello(enhancer, "polymorphism");

So not only we can call sayHello() with a StarEnhancer (subtyping), but inside sayHello(), the method call to enhance() will call the methode StarEnhancer.enhance() adapting the code of hello() to the fact that at runtime the enhancer is in fact a StarEnhancer.

The mechanism that choose the right method in function of the object at runtime is called polymorphism.


In the example above, enhancer.enhance() inside the method sayHello() can call Enhancer.enhance() or StarEnhancer.enhance(). We say that the method enhance() of StarEnhancer overrides the method enhance() of Enhancer.

A method to override another has to

  • have the same name
  • have the same number of parameter
  • can have a subtype as return type
  • can have subtypes of the declared exceptions (throws).


You can notice in the code below that we are using the annotation @Override. It is an annotation to document that the method override an existing method. The compiler also verifies that there is a method in the base class with the same parameter types.

class Enhancer {
  String enhance(String text) {
    return "_" + text + "_";
void sayHello(Enhancer enhancer, String text) {
  System.out.println("hello " + enhancer.enhance(text));
class StarEnhancer extends Enhancer {
  @Override  // <-- aah
  String enhance(String text) {
    return "*" + text + "*";
var enhancer = new StarEnhancer();
sayHello(enhancer, "polymorphism");

The annotation is not used by the runtime so it just make the code easier to understand for a human.

Calling a method using super.

The method that override another one can call the method it replace using the syntax super.enhance(...).

class Enhancer {
  String enhance(String text) {
    return "_" + text + "_";
class StarEnhancer extends Enhancer {
  String enhance(String text) {
    return "*" + super.enhance(text) + "*";
var enhancer = new StarEnhancer();
sayHello(enhancer, "polymorphism");

Members inheritance

And last, when a class inherits from another one, then all the fields and methods defined in the super class are defined in the subclass.

Here by example, the field name defined in Animal is also implicily defined in Lion.

class Animal {
  String name;
class Lion extends Animal {
  boolean young;
  void roar() {
    System.out.println(name + " roar");
var lion = new Lion(); = "leo";
lion.young = true;

This mechanism is controversial because if the implementation of Animal change, the implementation of Lion has to be changed too. So a super class and a subclass are tightly bound to the point it's hard to maintain an application if the maintainer of the super class and the sub class are not the same person.

It's discouraged to inherits from a class you don't control.

Constructor and inheritance

In Java, the initialization of the super class has to be done first, before the initialization of the subclass. It's mandatory that the first statement of the constructor of the subclass to call the constructor of the super class.

With a class Point

class Point {
  private final int x;
  private final int y;
  Point(int x, int y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
  public String toString() {
    return "x: " + x + " y: " + y;
var point = new Point(1, 5);

If the class Point3D inherits from Point, then the first statement of the constructor has to be a call to the constructor of the super class using the syntax super(...).

class Point3D extends Point {
  private final int z;
  Point3D(int x, int y, int z) {
    super(x, y);  // call constructor of the super class
    this.z = z;
  public String toString() {
    return super.toString() + " z: " + z;
var point3D = new Point3D(2, 4, 7);

Note: that unlike the other members of a class, constructors are not inherited.

Members inheritance and encapsulation

We have seen that to have encapsulation, we have to declare the fields private. But with inheritance, a private field declared in the super class is present in the subclass but not accessible.

Here the field roomPrice is inherited in Palace but can not be accessed in the method price() of the class Palace which doesn't compile

class Hotel {
  private final int roomPrice;
  public Hotel(int roomPrice) {
    this.roomPrice = roomPrice;
  public int price(int rooms) {
    return rooms * roomPrice;
class Palace extends Hotel {
  private final int extra;
  public Palace(int roomPrice, int extra) {
    this.extra = extra;
  public int price(int rooms) {
    return rooms * (roomPrice + extra);  // don't compile !

The usual practice is to declare the super class and the subclass in the same package so declaring the field roomPrice with no keyword make it visible to the subclass

class Hotel {
  /*package*/ final int roomPrice;
  public Hotel(int roomPrice) {
    this.roomPrice = roomPrice;
  public int price(int rooms) {
    return rooms * roomPrice;
class Palace extends Hotel {
  private final int extra;
  public Palace(int roomPrice, int extra) {
    this.extra = extra;
  public int price(int rooms) {
    return rooms * (roomPrice + extra);
var palace = new Palace(100, 50);

Field protected

In the code above, one can use the modifier protected too but because a protected field is visible by any subclass even the one the author of the subclass do not control. It means that the field can not be changed the same way a public field can not be changed.

Never use the keyword protected in Java.

Relation with interfaces

Nowadays, inheritance is used less and less in Java because interface provides subtyping and overriding without members inheritance. Given that the later mechanism is the one causing trouble, using an interface is often preferred to using inheritance.

Records doesn't support inheritance

Records doesn't support inheritance because it's so simple to declare a new record component that trying to share them will result into more code that necessary.

Here is the class Hotel and Palace rewritten without inheritance

interface Bookable {
  int price(int rooms);  
record Hotel(int roomPrice) implements Bookable {
  public int price(int rooms) {
    return rooms * roomPrice;
record Palace(int roomPrice, int extra) implements Bookable {
  public int price(int rooms) {
    return rooms * (roomPrice + extra);
Bookable hotel = new Hotel(100);
Bookable palace = new Palace(100, 50);

Use delegation not inheritance

Sometimes people are using inheritance where they should not ! The worst occurrences is when people want members inheritance to avoid to write too many methods but forget that they get all the methods even the one they don't want.

The problem is that if a class has a lot of methods, you are sure that at least one will not work correctly with the subclass.

By example, this is a snippet of how the class java.util.Properties is defined in JDK. Because it inherits from Hashtable<Object, Object>, it means you can store a value which is not a String but get it as a String.

Obviously, it will not work at runtime

class Properties extends Hashtable<Object, Object> {
  public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
    return (String)getOrDefault(key, defaultValue);
  public void setProperty(String key, String value) {
    put(key, value);
var properties = new Properties();
properties.put("java", 42);
System.out.println(properties.getProperty("java", "??"));

The traditional advice is if you want to use part of an existing implementation, instead of inherits from that class, store it in a field and so your method can delegate a part of their implementations.

So for the class Properties, it should be implemented like this

class Properties {
  private final HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
  public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
    return map.getOrDefault(key, defaultValue);
  public void setProperty(String key, String value) {
    map.put(key, value);
var properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("java", "best language ever, for life !");
System.out.println(properties.getProperty("java", "??"));
System.out.println(properties.getProperty("brainfuck", "??"));

Always prefer delegation to inheritance