- New hockeytsick.hcr, can be used to set multiple HS-shaped HCRs.
- The FLom class now derives from a parent virtual class FLo.
- A FLombf class contains slots @biols, of class FLBiols, and @fisheries, of class FLFisheries.
- mp() now class a goFish method for each of the FLo-derived classes: FLom and FLombf.
- oem modules need to take an FLo-based object as input.
- tracking is handled by methods dealing with stock being of either FLStock or FLStocks class.
- Added performance(FLombf) to be called by performance(FLmse).
- merge(FLQuant, data.table) method to assemble output tables.
- debugf() method for FLom and FLombf, applies to projection slot.
- Argument indicators in performance() has been renamed statistics, to clarify the role of that element. Indicator is now restricted to refer to empirical metrics obtained from operating model observations that are used to provide indications of changes in stock status. For example, catch rates by fleet.
- dims(FLombf) returns unit and season data.
- metrics method for FLmse, calls metrics(FLStock).
- control(FLmse) and control(FLmse)<- can extract or modify individual list elements.
- Accessors for FLoem@observations and @deviances now accept a subsetting name, as in observations(FLoem, "stk").
- Inputs to tunebisect() are now checked for coherence and dimensions.
- fwd(FLom) calls FLasher::fwd(stock(FLom), sr(FLom), ...).
- Bug in calculation for multiple years, recycling of refpts going first along years, not iters.
- genArgs renamed args
- ctrl.mp renamed ctrl
- elements of ctrl.mp don't use ctrl.## anymore
- mp oem default became NULL
- mlc.est fixed
- it wrongly passed to goFish fixed
- oem set of dataYears fixed
- mp without oem now creates one which is conform the other objects.
- metric.phcr, C.obs and C.est added to the tracking matrix
- length.est renamed to mlc.est
- movingF hcr and phcr fied to work with FLPars
- Complete new code base.
- Methods moved to FLCore: rnoise, rlnoise