This project is now archived, all future development is now on our new python installer which has more features etc. See the new project here:
This repository contains a set of bash scripts for installing Logos Bible (Verbum) Software on Linux.
Usage: ./
Installs ${FLPRODUCT} Bible Software with Wine on Linux.
-h --help Prints this help message and exit.
-v --version Prints version information and exit.
-V --verbose Enable extra CLI verbosity.
-D --debug Makes Wine print out additional info.
-c --config Use the Logos on Linux config file when
setting environment variables. Defaults to:
Optionally can accept a config file provided by
the user.
-b --custom-binary-path Set a custom path to search for wine binaries
during the install.
-r --regenerate-scripts Regenerates the and
scripts using the config file.
-F --skip-fonts Skips installing corefonts and tahoma.
-f --force-root Sets LOGOS_FORCE_ROOT to true, which permits
the root user to run the script.
-k --make-skel Make a skeleton install only.
Usage: ./
Interact with Logos Bible Software in Wine on Linux.
-h --help Prints this help message and exit.
-v --version Prints version information and exit.
-D --debug Makes Wine print out additional info.
-f --force-root Sets LOGOS_FORCE_ROOT to true, which
permits the root user to run the script.
-R --check-resources Check Logos's resource usage.
-e --edit-config Edit the Logos on Linux config file.
-i --indexing Run the Logos indexer in the
-b --backup Saves Logos data to the config's
backup location.
-r --restore Restores Logos data from the config's
backup location.
-l --logs Turn Logos logs on or off.
-d --dirlink Create a symlink to the Windows Logos directory
in your Logos on Linux install dir.
The symlink's name will be 'installation_dir'.
-s --shortcut Create or update the Logos shortcut, located in
--remove-all-index Removes all index and library catalog files.
--remove-library-catalog Removes all library catalog files.
Usage: ./
Interact with Logos Bible Software in Wine on Linux.
-h --help Prints this help message and exit.
-v --version Prints version information and exit.
-D --debug Makes Wine print out additional info.
-f --force-root Sets LOGOS_FORCE_ROOT to true, which permits
the root user to run the script.
--wine64 Run the script's wine64 binary.
--wineserver Run the script's wineserver binary.
--winetricks Run winetricks.
--setAppImage Set the script's AppImage file. NOTE:
Currently broken. Disabled until fixed.
Once all dependencies are met, you can either run the script from the CLI for a CLI-only install, or you can double click the icon in your file browser or on your desktop for a GUI install. Then, follow the prompts.
NOTE: You can run Logos on Linux using the Steam Proton Experimental binary, which often has the latest and greatest updates to make Logos run even smoother. The script should be able to find the binary automatically, unless your Steam install is located outside of your HOME directory.
Your system must either have dialog
or whiptail
installed for a CLI install (launched from CLI), or you must have zenity
installed for a GUI install (launched from double clicking).
For an install guide with pictures and video, see the wiki's Install Guide.
NOTE: This install guide is outdated. Please see #173.
sudo apt install dialog
sudo apt install whiptail
sudo apt install zenity
sudo apt install mktemp patch lsof wget find sed grep gawk tr winbind cabextract x11-apps bc libxml2-utils curl
If using wine from a repo, you must install wine staging. Run:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key
CODENAME=$(lsb_release -a | grep Codename | awk '{print $2}')
sudo wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/"${CODENAME}"/winehq-"${CODENAME}".sources
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging
See for help.
If using the AppImage, run:
sudo apt install fuse3
sudo pacman -S dialog
sudo pacman -S whiptail
sudo pacman -S zenity
sudo pacman -S patch lsof wget sed grep gawk cabextract samba bc libxml2 curl
If using wine from a repo, run:
sudo pacman -S wine
sudo pamac install dialog
sudo pamac install whiptail
sudo pamac install zenity
sudo pamac install patch lsof wget sed grep gawk cabextract samba bc libxml2 curl
If using wine from a repo, run:
sudo pamac install wine
You may need to install pamac if you are not using Manjaro GNOME:
sudo pacman -S pamac-cli
The steam deck has a locked down filesystem. There are some missing dependencies which cause irregular crashes in Logos. These can be installed following this sequence:
- Enter Desktop Mode
- Use
to create a password for the deck user, unless you already did this. - Disable read-only mode:
sudo steamos-readonly disable
- Initialize pacman keyring:
sudo pacman-key --init
- Populate pacman keyring with the default Arch Linux keys:
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
- Get package lists:
sudo pacman -Fy
- Fix locale issues
sudo pacman -Syu glibc
- then
sudo locale-gen
- Install dependencies:
sudo pacman -S samba winbind cabextract appmenu-gtk-module patch bc lib32-libjpeg-turbo
Packages you install may be overwritten by the next Steam OS update, but you can easily reinstall them if that happens.
After these steps you can go ahead and run the your install script.
sudo dnf install dialog
sudo dnf install whiptail
sudo dnf install zenity
sudo dnf install patch mod_auth_ntlm_winbind samba-winbind cabextract bc libxml2 curl
If using wine from a repo, run:
sudo dnf install winehq-staging
If using the AppImage, run:
sudo dnf install fuse3
sudo yum install dialog
sudo yum install whiptail
sudo yum install zenity
sudo yum install patch mod_auth_ntlm_winbind samba-winbind cabextract bc libxml2 curl
If using wine from a repo, run:
sudo yum install winehq-staging
If using the AppImage, run:
sudo yum install fuse3
sudo zypper install …
sudo apk add …
TODO. The BSDs will require the script to be modified.
doas pkg install …
This would require rewriting major chunks of the script, which has assumed GNU/Linux and Bash.