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This document contains information on building and testing the Swift Package Manager. There are many ways to develop Swift Package Manager. The official way is to use Swift's build-script which builds the full compiler toolchain but that's rarely required.

Using the Swift Compiler Build Script

Follow these instructions to get the Swift sources and then execute the build-script using swiftpm preset:


$ ./swift/utils/build-script --preset=buildbot_swiftpm_macos_platform,tools=RA,stdlib=RA


$ ./swift/utils/build-script --preset=buildbot_swiftpm_linux_platform,tools=RA,stdlib=RA

Once the build is complete, you should be able to run the swiftpm binaries from the build folder.

Developing using Xcode

Simply open SwiftPM's Package.swift manifest with the latest release (including betas) of Xcode.

Note: PackageDescription v4 is not available when developing using this method.

You can also run SwiftPM performance tests in Xcode using the SwiftPM-Perf scheme.

Self Hosting

It is possible to build SwiftPM with itself using SwiftPM present in latest release of Xcode or the latest trunk snapshot on Linux.

# Build:
$ swift build

# Run all tests.
$ swift test --parallel

# Run a single test.
$ swift test --filter PackageGraphTests.DependencyResolverTests/testBasics

# Run tests for the test targets BuildTests and WorkspaceTests, but skip some test cases.
$ swift test --filter BuildTests --skip BuildPlanTests --filter WorkspaceTests --skip InitTests

Note: PackageDescription v4 is not available when developing using this method.

This method can also used be used for performance testing. Use the following command run SwiftPM's performance tests:

$ swift test -c release --filter PerformanceTests

Using a Trunk Snapshot

  1. Download and install the latest Trunk Development snapshot.

  2. Run the following commands depending on your platform.


$ export TOOLCHAINS=swift
# Verify that we're able to find the swift compiler from the installed toolchain.
$ xcrun --find swift


$ export PATH=/path/to/swift-toolchain/usr/bin:"${PATH}"
# Verify that we're able to find the swift compiler from the installed toolchain.
$ which swift
  1. Clone llbuild beside the package manager directory.
$ git clone llbuild
$ ls
swiftpm llbuild

Note: Make sure the directory for llbuild is called "llbuild" and not "swift-llbuild".

  1. Clone Yams beside the package manager directory.
$ git clone
  1. Clone swift-driver beside the package manager directory.
$ git clone
  1. Clone swift-argument-parser beside the package manager directory and check out tag 0.3.0.
$ git clone --branch 0.3.0
  1. Build the Swift Package Manager.
$ cd swiftpm
$ Utilities/bootstrap build

Note: The bootstrap script requires having CMake and Ninja installed. Please refer to the Swift project repo for installation instructions.

This command builds the Package Manager inside the .build/ directory. Run the bootstrap script to rebuild after making a change to the source code.


$ cd /tmp && mkdir hello && cd hello
$ /path/to/swiftpm/.build/x86_64-apple-macosx/debug/swift-package init
$ /path/to/swiftpm/.build/x86_64-apple-macosx/debug/swift-build
  1. Test the Swift Package Manager.
$ Utilities/bootstrap test

Using Continuous Integration

SwiftPM uses swift-ci infrastructure for its continuous integration testing. The bots can be triggered on pull-requests if you have commit access. Otherwise, ask one of the code owners to trigger them for you. The following commands are supported:

@swift-ci please smoke test

Run tests with the trunk compiler and other projects. This is required before a pull-request can be merged.

@swift-ci please smoke test self hosted

Run just the self-hosted tests. This has fast turnaround times so it can be used to get quick feedback.

Note: Smoke tests are still required for merging pull-requests.

Testing on Linux with Docker

For contributors on macOS who need to test on Linux, install Docker and use the following commands:

$ Utilities/Docker/docker-utils build # will build an image with the latest Swift snapshot
$ Utilities/Docker/docker-utils bootstrap # will bootstrap SwiftPM on the Linux container
$ Utilities/Docker/docker-utils run bash # to run an interactive Bash shell in the container
$ Utilities/Docker/docker-utils swift-build # to run swift-build in the container
$ Utilities/Docker/docker-utils swift-test # to run swift-test in the container
$ Utilities/Docker/docker-utils swift-run # to run swift-run in the container

Using Custom Swift Compilers

SwiftPM needs the Swift compiler to parse Package.swift manifest files and to compile Swift source files. You can use the SWIFT_EXEC and SWIFT_EXEC_MANIFEST environment variables to control which compiler to use for these operations.

SWIFT_EXEC_MANIFEST: This variable controls which compiler to use for parsing Package.swift manifest files. The lookup order for the manifest compiler is: SWIFT_EXEC_MANIFEST, swiftc adjacent to the swiftpm binaries, then SWIFT_EXEC

SWIFT_EXEC: This variable controls which compiler to use for compiling Swift sources. The lookup order for the sources' compiler is: SWIFT_EXEC, then swiftc adjacent to swiftpm binaries. This is also useful for Swift compiler developers when they want to use a debug compiler with SwiftPM.

$ SWIFT_EXEC=/path/to/my/built/swiftc swift build

Overriding the Path to the Runtime Libraries

SwiftPM computes the path of its runtime libraries relative to where it is installed. This path can be overridden by setting the environment variable SWIFTPM_PD_LIBS to a directory containing the libraries, or a colon-separated list of absolute search paths. SwiftPM will choose the first path which exists on disk. If none of the paths are present on disk, it will fall back to built-in computation.

Making changes in TSC targets

All targets with the prefix TSC define the interface for the tools support core. Those APIs might be used in other projects as well and need to be updated in this repository by copying their sources directories to the TSC repository. The repository can be found here.