- number of stiches adapted for a bigger stich size (fewer stiches)
- more polished holes (with some half-double crochet to make equal heights)
- better tail shape
- 6 pieces produced
- gifts for special Mozillians to be delivered at MWC
- Candida's batch of 6 costumes
- album of the preparation of the MWC gifts
- new transcript
- hole for home button
- ears now starts with a magic circle of 4 instead of 6
- recipe and instruction given to São Carlos based artist Cândida for adaptations and production of a special batch for showcase at Mobile World Conference (Barcelona)
- github repo created
- 1 piece produced
- https://plus.google.com/photos/100037457092927719672/albums/5847031223918642369
- https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-UnTxjj3POlc/USTo81Q1eaI/AAAAAAAAAvk/9J4KaYkIE44/s829/13+-+2
- https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-8USx-pln2FE/USTo82rvunI/AAAAAAAAAvo/rtMF8YPziWc/s829/13+-+3
- start of a new recipe writing attempt
- bug on the top part (camera hole was too small)
- with bottom cover (no need to open the phone to put the tail anymore)
- with tension bridges on the back
- new tail
- holes for camera and speaker
- [bug] the closing of the top par was binded in the wrong way
- [bug] one bridge binded in the wrong way also
- 1 piece produced
- http://www.streamzoo.com/user/fczuardi/uploads/latest/10427056
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/fabricio/8464040216/in/photostream/
- better planned top part divided in 3 separated parts
- beggining of the writing of the recipe for the top part
- unfinished attempt, only top part produced
- First prototype by Fabricio C Zuardi at Campus Party
- 1 piece produced (given to Miguel from Geeksphone)
- http://www.streamzoo.com/user/fczuardi/uploads/latest/10298842
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/fabricio/8443831434/
- http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/540691_10152099679255353_1172838212_n.jpg by seocam
- https://plus.google.com/photos/115519301217144068091/albums/5840442477353992577/5840443433692257970?banner=pwa by Lenno Azevedo
- https://plus.google.com/photos/115519301217144068091/albums/5840442477353992577/5840443451460878146?banner=pwa by Lenno Azevedo