Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | Received document id | [optional] |
type | ReceivedDocumentType | [optional] | |
entity | Entity | [optional] | |
date | LocalDate | Received document date [defaults to today's date] | [optional] |
category | String | Received document category | [optional] |
description | String | Received document description | [optional] |
amountNet | BigDecimal | Received document total net amount | [optional] |
amountVat | BigDecimal | Received document total vat amount | [optional] |
amountWithholdingTax | BigDecimal | Received document withholding tax amount | [optional] |
amountOtherWithholdingTax | BigDecimal | Received document other withholding tax amount | [optional] |
amountGross | BigDecimal | [Read Only] Received document total gross amount | [optional] [readonly] |
amortization | BigDecimal | Received document amortization value | [optional] |
rcCenter | String | Received document revenue center | [optional] |
invoiceNumber | String | Received document invoice number | [optional] |
isMarked | Boolean | Received document is marked | [optional] |
isDetailed | Boolean | Received document has items | [optional] |
eInvoice | Boolean | [Read Only] Received document is an e-invoice | [optional] |
nextDueDate | LocalDate | [Read Only] Received document date of the next not paid payment | [optional] [readonly] |
currency | Currency | [optional] | |
taxDeductibility | BigDecimal | Received document tax deducibility percentage | [optional] |
vatDeductibility | BigDecimal | Received document vat deducibility percentage | [optional] |
itemsList | List<ReceivedDocumentItemsListItem> | [optional] | |
paymentsList | List<ReceivedDocumentPaymentsListItem> | [optional] | |
attachmentUrl | String | [Temporary] [Read Only] Received document url of the attached file | [optional] [readonly] |
attachmentPreviewUrl | String | [Temporary] [Read Only] Received document url of the attachment preview | [optional] [readonly] |
autoCalculate | Boolean | Received document total items amount and total payments amount can differ if this field is set to false | [optional] |
attachmentToken | String | [Write Only] Received document attachment token returned by POST /received_documents/attachment | [optional] |
locked | Boolean | Received Document can't be edited | [optional] |
createdAt | String | Received document creation date | [optional] |
updatedAt | String | Received document last update date | [optional] |
- Serializable