Issued document extra data [TS fields follow the technical specifications provided by "Sistema Tessera Sanitaria"]
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
multifattureSent | Integer | [optional] | |
tsCommunication | Boolean | Send issued document to "Sistema Tessera Sanitaria" | [optional] |
tsFlagTipoSpesa | BigDecimal | Issued document ts "tipo spesa" [TK, FC, FV, SV,SP, AD, AS, ECG, SR] | [optional] |
tsPagamentoTracciato | Boolean | Issued document ts traced payment | [optional] |
tsTipoSpesa | String | Can be [ 'TK', 'FC', 'FV', 'SV', 'SP', 'AD', 'AS', 'SR', 'CT', 'PI', 'IC', 'AA' ]. Refer to the technical specifications to learn more. | [optional] |
tsOpposizione | Boolean | Issued document ts "opposizione" | [optional] |
tsStatus | Integer | Issued document ts status | [optional] |
tsFileId | String | Issued document ts file id | [optional] |
tsSentDate | LocalDate | Issued document ts sent date | [optional] |
tsFullAmount | Boolean | Issued document ts total amount | [optional] |
importedBy | String | Issued document imported by software | [optional] |
- Serializable