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ERC20 Swapper

This project shows my implementation of a swapper contract that uses Openzeppelin's TransparentUpgradeableProxy, and call UniswapV2 swapExactETHForTokens to swap ETH to an ERC20 token.

The swapper will swap ETH for PEPE (0x5e2f3b76cD5df52BBf4bcB9f50003bf769742dc9) but you can swap other ERC20 tokens.

The implementation contract inherit from this interface:

interface IERC20Swapper {
    /// @dev swaps the `msg.value` Ether to at least `minAmount` of tokens in `address`, or reverts
    /// @param token The address of ERC-20 token to swap
    /// @param minAmount The minimum amount of tokens transferred to msg.sender
    /// @return The actual amount of transferred tokens
    function swapEtherToToken(address token, uint minAmount) external payable returns (uint);

Deployed Address

I deployed the contract on Sepolia using this deploy script.

the deployed address is: 0xC86a8eebEb5c500c34f1d253CC8C3F79723986A3


Tests are in this file

To run tests open the cli at the root of the project and run npx hardhat test .

Using Remix

To use this swapper in remix:

  1. go to
  2. copypaste the abi in a new file
  3. go to "Deploy and Run Transaction", paste the contract address (0xC86a8eebEb5c500c34f1d253CC8C3F79723986A3) in the input field and click on "At Address"

Schermata 2024-02-24 alle 09 31 22

  1. play with the contract. To make the swap, paste the token address (I suggest to swap PEPE 0x5e2f3b76cD5df52BBf4bcB9f50003bf769742dc9) and the minimum amount. Remember that you need to send some ETH to the contract.

Environment Variables & constants

The contract has its environment variables set for Sepolia. You'll find constants here and a .env.example here