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File metadata and controls

109 lines (90 loc) · 3.83 KB


You want a better view of the live data of a F1 race? f1-live-data is easy to use and customizable to your needs.


  • Docker installed

Quick start

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04

chmod -R 777 storage/
docker-compose up -d
docker build -t data-importer-image .

# if a f1 race is currently under way:
docker run -it --rm \
--network f1-live-data_default \
data-importer-image \
dataimporter process-live-session \
--influx-url http://influxdb:8086

# else
docker run -it --rm \
--network f1-live-data_default \
-v ${PWD}/saves/partial_saved_data_2023_03_05.txt:/tmp/save.txt \
data-importer-image \
dataimporter process-mock-data /tmp/save.txt \
--influx-url http://influxdb:8086

# Browse http://localhost:3000
# admin / admin
# Dashboards > Browse > F1 > F1Race

Run the data-importer locally (for debugging)

docker-compose up -d
pip install .
data-importer process-mock-data saves/partial_saved_data_2023_03_05.txt --influx-url http://localhost:8086


  • Select all of your favorite drivers (top, left)
  • Leaderboard with Interval, Gap to Leader, Last Lap Time
  • Lap time evolution
  • Race control messages
  • Top speed at speed trap
  • Gap to leader graph
  • Weather data

Data flow

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The data-importer uses the live timing client from fastf1 to receive live timing data during a f1 session. The data is stored in an influxdb. grafana is used to display the data by querying it from influxdb.

The data-importer has two modes:

  • process-live-session: Processes data from a live session via fastf1 live timing client.
  • process-mock-data: Loads data from file and replays it (with a default speedup factor of 100). This mode can be used to develop new panels and debug it.

Processed data

fastf1 provided a bunch of different data points. Not all of them are processed:

Processed: WeatherData, RaceControlMessages, TimingData
Not Processed: Heartbeat,CarData.z,Position.z,ExtrapolatedClock,TopThree,RcmSeries,TimingStats,TimingAppData,TrackStatus,DriverList,SessionInfo,SessionData,LapCount

Get a file with live data via fastf1 python package

You can record a live session with the live timing client from fastf1

python -m fastf1.livetiming save saved_data_2022_03_19.txt

The recorded file can be used to develop and test the data processing. The data-importer is able to load the recorded file (command process-mock-data)


Add driver color to same panels

To add the color of a driver to a panel via the UI can be annoying. There is a command line tool do accomplish that. Just pass the path of the dashboard and the names of the panels:

python src/dataimporter/ storage/grafana/dashboards/dashboard.json "Lap time" "Gap To Leader"

Edit and persist a grafana dashboard/panel:

  1. Edit the panel in the UI
  2. Click the save button
  3. Click "Copy JSON to clipboard"
  4. Replace the content of the file storage/grafana/dashboards/dashboard.json

Set a max value in lap time panel

Laps with pit stops are very slow and lead to a large value range on the y axes. You can set a maximum value in the panel settings.

Known issues

  • data-importer disconnects after 2h (the f1 data providing service seems to close the connection, see fastf1)

Further ideas

  • Display car position (Position.z)
  • Display telemetry (CarData.z)
  • Display (personal) fastest lap
  • Display sector times
  • Number pit stops and tires compound (TimingAppData)