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Espressif Shared GitHub DangerJS

Codebase tests (Jest)

Welcome to the DangerJS Pull Request linter!

This is GitHub action that can be used across different Espressif GitHub repositories and helps make sure that contributors Pull Requests (PRs) follow a specific style.

It checks things like:

  • sufficient merge request descriptions
  • meaningful commit messages in conventional commit style
  • size of changes in MR
  • simple branch git history
  • source and target branch

Because DangerJS does this automatically, human reviewers can focus more on code changes and spend their time reviewing PRs more productively.

Usage in Your Project

To integrate DangerJS, add GitHub workflow .github/workflows/dangerjs.yml to your project with this content:

name: DangerJS Pull Request linter
    types: [opened, edited, reopened, synchronize]

  pull-requests: write
  contents: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Check out PR head
      uses: actions/checkout@v4
        ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

    - name: DangerJS pull request linter
      uses: espressif/shared-github-dangerjs@v1
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  • GitHub token This token is automatically obtained from the GitHub project and its specific permissions are set in the yaml workflow file. Avoid adding unnecessarily high permissions to this token, keep it set as in the example above.

🤝 Quick Integration: If your goal is to add Shared GitHub DangerJS into your project with the default Espressif settings, then at this point you're all set!

For custom configurations, refer to the descriptions of individual rules to learn how to tweak them to your needs.

DangerJS rules

UI output

Configuration Options

If your project has specific needs, Shared GitHub DangerJS can be configured to meet them.

Here is complete list of configurable parameters:

Parameter CI Variable Type Default value
Enable rule PR Description rule-description str "true" (use "false" to disable this rule)
Enable rule PR Lint Commit Messages rule-commit-messages str "true" (use "false" to disable this rule)
Enable rule PR Size (changed lines) rule-size-lines str "true" (use "false" to disable this rule)
Enable rule PR Source branch name rule-source-branch str "true" (use "false" to disable this rule)
Enable rule PR Target branch name rule-target-branch str "true" (use "false" to disable this rule)
Enable rule PR Too Many Commits rule-max-commits str "true" (use "false" to disable this check)
Commit message allowed "Type"s commit-messages-types str "change,ci,docs,feat,fix,refactor,remove,revert,test"
Commit message maximum length "Body" line commit-messages-max-body-line-length str "100"
Commit message maximum length "Summary" commit-messages-max-summary-length str "72"
Commit message minimum length "Summary" commit-messages-min-summary-length str "20"
Ignore sections of PR description when counting length description-ignore-sections str "related,release,breaking"
Maximum changed code lines in PR max-size-lines str "1000"
Maximum commits in PR (soft limit, throw info) max-commits-info str "2"
Maximum commits in PR (hard limit, throw warn) max-commits-warn str "5"
Minimum length of PR description description-min-length str "50"

These values can be defined in your project DangerJS Pull Request linter workflow, for example like this:

    - name: DangerJS pull request linter
      uses: espressif/shared-github-dangerjs@v1
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        instructions-contributions-file: ''
        instructions-cla-link: ''
        instructions-gitlab-mirror: 'true'
        max-commits-info: '3'
        max-commits-warn: '6'

See more config options in DangerJS rules.

Project issues

If you encounter any issues, feel free to report them in the project's issues or create Pull Request with your suggestion.


📘 If you are interested in contributing to this project, see the project Contributing Guide.