Crazy examples:
fun ((Int) -> Unit).test() {}
fun test() {
{ println(it) }.test()
All arguments should be analyzed before call resolver. They will be computed via transfer order => we know DataFlowInfo for arguments without name resolution. Note: body of lambda argument will be computed inside function body => correct DataFlowInfo for body is DataFlowInfo after all arguments.
Also we should check some other cases before name resolution:
- spread before lambda or callable reference
- several external lambda arguments
Type argument placeholder:
fun <A, B, C> foo(a: A, c: C): B = TODO()
fun test() {
foo<_, Int, _>(1, "")
Same for parameters:
Save information into trace for:
- named argument
- resolved call & variable in invoke call
- All staff in NewResoltuionOldInference
DataFlowInfo for arguments: Another example:
class X {
fun bar(x: X) {}
val foo: (Any) -> Unit = {}
fun test(x: X?) {!!) // incorrect also!!) // incorrect
Current decision -- leave as is.
Intersection types sources:
- smart cast
T <: Some_1
,T <: Some_2
- java:
void <T> @NotNull T foo()
-- real type isT & Any
Star projections:
class Bar<T>(val t: T)
val <T: CharSequence?> bar: T = TODO()
fun <T : Any> Bar<T?>.foo(vararg a: T) {}
fun test() {!!, bar.t, "") // on bar.t here may be unstable smart cast
Resolution: hard to implement, rare case.
val <T> foo: T.(T) -> T = TODO()
fun <T> bar(): T = TODO()
fun test() {
class A {
fun foo() : Int = 4
fun String = ""
fun bar(f: (A) -> Int) {}
fun test() {
fun bar(f: (A) -> String) {}