- removal of almost all methods TODO: list here
- no more boolean operations on the prototypes of CSG/CAG Objects !! ie this is valid const foo = union(a, b) but this is not const foo = a.union(b)
- CSG/CAG objects now have a .pipe() method to be able to chain operations on them using functions: ie benefit of functional approach while allowing chaining this is also in preparation for the day browsers & Node.js will support the > (pipe) operator
- vector3/3D is deprecated and replaced by vec3
- not a class anymore, but a set of helper functions, that are also semi compatible with the stack.gl ecosystem
- vector2/2D is deprecated and replaced by vec3
- not a class anymore, but a set of helper functions, that are also semi compatible with the stack.gl ecosystem
- matrix4 is deprecated and replaced by mat4
- not a class anymore, but a set of helper functions, that are also semi compatible with the stack.gl ecosystem
- snake case methods are now camel case: ie chain_hull => chainHull
- a SINGLE function per shape : no more CSG.sphere() vs sphere()
- unified functions keep the openscad shortcuts, but also add more explicit ones
- ie : h => height, fn => segments
- unified functions keep the openscad shortcuts, but also add more explicit ones
- no more implicit extrusions : ie union(2dShape, 3dShape) will not work anymore : you need to explicitely convert shapes before applying operations : ie extrude 2d shapes, or project/flatten 3d shapes
- expand/contract is now only expand, with negative values for contract
- rotate, translate, scale etc do NOT do implicit UNIONS anymore => array in, array out, single item item in, single item out
square => rectangle
circle => ellipse
triangle => GONE
cube => cuboid
sphere => spheroid ? (not sure about this one)
rectangle: now accepts either :
a size named parameter
a single numeric value (creates a square)
an array of numeric values
center can be either a single boolean, a 2d array of booleans, or a 2d array of numeric values (for direct positioning)
- rectangular_extrude (basePoints, params) => rectangularExtrude(params, basePoints)
- linear_extrude => linearExtrude
- rotate_extrude => rotateExtrude
- extrusions of 2d shapes with no edges (sides length === 0) will now throw an error
- solidFromSlices(polygon, options) => solidFromSlices(options, polygon)
after consideration, the naming convention will change to verbNound ie:
- rectangular_extrude (basePoints, params) => extrudeRectangular(params, basePoints)
- linear_extrude (basePoints, params) => extrudeLinear
- rotate_extrude => extrudeRotate
this makes it easier to find all related operations, and is coherent with some other naming conventions: - toXXX - fromXXX - measureXXX
- cut up into modules
- a few helper functions have been renamed for correctness & clarity
- rgb2Html => rgbToHex
- hex2Html => hexToRgb
- css2Rgb => colorNameToRgb
- there is no 'properties' class/ object anymore: not 100% sure
- it is a simple array (Object??) attribute on parts/shapes
- rectangular_extrude's 'round' option was actually never used !! keep or remove