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C# implementation of flexbox CSS layout algorithm. Adapt from

Thanks kjk/flex, there is no such project without him.

Nuget Package Rockyfi :

Install-Package Rockyfi


  • The implementation of flexlayout has been completed, all the test is passed.
  • Support render XML to Flex Node tree is still on the way.
  • Support Love2dCS is on the way.
  • Unity3d support is a long-term goal.


more example please check test file

var root = Flex.CreateDefaultNode();

var rootChild0 = Flex.CreateDefaultNode();
rootChild0.StyleSetPosition(Edge.Start, 10);
rootChild0.StyleSetPosition(Edge.Top, 10);
root.InsertChild(rootChild0, 0);
Flex.CalculateLayout(root, float.NaN, float.NaN, Direction.LTR);

assertFloatEqual(0, root.LayoutGetLeft());
assertFloatEqual(0, root.LayoutGetTop());
assertFloatEqual(100, root.LayoutGetWidth());
assertFloatEqual(100, root.LayoutGetHeight());

assertFloatEqual(10, rootChild0.LayoutGetLeft());
assertFloatEqual(10, rootChild0.LayoutGetTop());
assertFloatEqual(10, rootChild0.LayoutGetWidth());
assertFloatEqual(10, rootChild0.LayoutGetHeight());


output is:

<div layout="width: 100; height: 100; top: 0; left: 0;" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; ">
  <div layout="width: 10; height: 10; top: 10; left: 10;" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; position: absolute; top: 10px; "></div>

ShadowPlay Usage (beta?)

This is an example about Love2dCS support.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Love;
using Love.Misc;
using Rockyfi;
using LoveBridge;

namespace Test
    public class Example01_ElementController : ElementController
        public Example01_ElementController(string tagName) : base(tagName)

        public override void Draw()
            var rect = Rect;

            Graphics.Print(TagName + Text, rect.X, rect.Y);
            Graphics.Rectangle(DrawMode.Line, rect);

        Color fgColor = Color.White;

        public override void UpdateInputHoverVisible()

            if (Mouse.IsReleased(Mouse.LeftButton))
                Console.WriteLine("click me !" + this);

        public override void UpdateInputHover()
            fgColor = Color.Red;

        public override void UpdateInputNotHover()
            fgColor = Color.White;

        public override void UpdateInputHoverEnter()

        public override void UpdateInputHoverLeave()

        public override void UpdateInputAutoNavigation()
            fgColor = Color.Green;

    public class Example01_LayoutController : LayoutController
        public override ElementController CreateElement(string tagName, Dictionary<string, object> attr)
            return new Example01_ElementController(tagName);

        public override Dictionary<string, object> DefineInitialData()
            return new Dictionary<string, object>
                {"w", 0 },
                {"h", 0 },
                {"pd", 0.01f },
                {"listData", new int[]{ } },

        public override string DefineLayoutDocument()
            return @"

    el-bind:width='w * (1 - pd*2)' el-bind:height='h * (1 - pd*2)'
    el-bind:margin-left='w * pd'  el-bind:margin-right='w * pd'
    el-bind:margin-top='h * pd'  el-bind:margin-bottom='h * pd'
    flex-wrap='wrap' flex-direction='row'

    <div width='250px' height='150px' position='absolute' > absolute </div>
    <div autoNavigation='true' el-for='itemId in listData' width='150px' height='100px' el-bind:id='itemId'  margin='100' > {{itemId}} </div>

            return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Resource.Read("ui_xml/test.xml"));

        public override void Update()
            SetData("w", Graphics.GetWidth());
            SetData("h", Graphics.GetHeight());

            SetData("listData", new List<string>
                "child-0", "child-1", "child-2", "child-3", "child-4",



    public class RockyTest01 : Scene
        Example01_LayoutController rtlc = new Example01_LayoutController();

        public override void Update(float dt)

        public override void Draw()

support props, most attributes are covered in this Guide

name default example
overflow visible visible / hidden / scroll
position relative relative / absolute
align-content auto auto / flex-start / center / flex-end / stretch / baseline / space-between / space-around
align-items auto auto / flex-start / center / flex-end / stretch / baseline / space-between / space-around
align-self auto auto / flex-start / center / flex-end / stretch / baseline / space-between / space-around
flex-direction column column / column-reverse / row / row-reverse
flex-wrap no-wrap no-wrap / wrap / wrap-reverse
flex-basis auto 15px / 30%
flex auto 5 / -3.2
flex-shrink auto 5 / -3.2
flex-grow auto 5 / -3.2
justify-content flex-start flex-start / center / flex-end / space-between / space-around
direction inherit inherit / ltr / rtl
width auto 10 / 15px / 30% / auto
height auto 10 / 15px / 30% / auto
min-width auto 10 / 15px / 30% / auto
min-height auto 10 / 15px / 30% / auto
max-width auto 10 / 15px / 30% / auto
max-height auto 10 / 15px / 30% / auto
pos auto 10 / 1px / 1px 2px 3px 4px / 2px 3px / auto
pos-left auto 10 / 15px / auto
pos-right auto 10 / 15px / auto
pos-top auto 10 / 15px / auto
pos-bottom auto 10 / 15px / auto
margin auto 10 / 1px / 1px 2px 3px 4px / 2px 3px / auto
margin-left auto 10 / 15px / auto
margin-right auto 10 / 15px / auto
margin-top auto 10 / 15px / auto
margin-bottom auto 10 / 15px / auto
padding auto 10 / 1px / 1px 2px 3px 4px / 2px 3px / auto
padding-left auto 10 / 15px / auto
padding-right auto 10 / 15px / auto
padding-top auto 10 / 15px / auto
padding-bottom auto 10 / 15px / auto
border auto 10 / 1px / 1px 2px 3px 4px / 2px 3px / auto
border-left auto 10 / 15px / auto
border-right auto 10 / 15px / auto
border-top auto 10 / 15px / auto
border-bottom auto 10 / 15px / auto

This shadow play is not mean Shadow Play but Shadow Play