We will setup Kafka and eventsim in two separate docker processes in a dedicated compute instance. Eventsim will communicate with port 9092
of the broker
container of Kafka to send events.
Establish SSH connection
ssh streamify-kafka-instance
Clone git repo and cd into Kafka folder
git clone https://github.com/emoloic/streamify.git && \
Install anaconda, docker & docker-compose.
bash ~/streamify/scripts/vm_setup.sh && \ exec newgrp docker
Set the evironment variables -
External IP of the Kafka VM
Note: You will have to setup these env vars every time you create a new shell session. Or if you stop/start your VM
Start Kafka
cd ~/streamify/kafka && \ docker-compose build && \ docker-compose up
Note: Sometimes the
containers die during startup. You should just stop all the containers withdocker-compose down
and then rerundocker-compose up
. -
The Kafka Control Center should be available on port
. Open and check if everything is working fine. -
Open another terminal session for the Kafka VM and start sending messages to your Kafka broker with Eventsim
bash ~/streamify/scripts/eventsim_startup.sh
This will start creating events for 1 Million users spread out from the current time to the next 24 hours. The container will run in detached mode. Follow the logs to see the progress.
To follow the logs
docker logs --follow million_events
The messages should start flowing-in in a few minutes.
You should see four topics -
Note: If you happen to re-rerun the evenstim container and face the following error -
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/million_events" is already in use by container
then run the below command
docker system prune