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Parity Light Protocol (PIP)

The Parity Light Protocol is a variation of LES designed and implemented by Parity Tech for the Parity Ethereum client. Please refer to the LES specification for information on the purpose of the light client protocol.

Like LES, PIP adopts a flow-control mechanism closely analogous to a token-bucket rate limiter where the client is expected to mirror the server token-bucket state (as exceeding the 'burstiness' depth is a violation that results in disconnection). PIP utilises Canonical Hash Tries (CHTs), which are also described in the LES documentation. Unlike LES, a PIP CHT is generated once every 2048 blocks. One 32-byte trie root is stored for every range of 2048 blocks.

The current version is pip/1. This specification was derived from the official specification at However, the official specification has since been deleted.


Throughout this document, and in accordance with other devp2p documents, when referring to wire message formats the following symbols apply:

[ .. , .. , .. ] means an RLP list

a || b means concatenation of a and b

... means additional list elements


After the initial RLPx handshake, the first message that must be communicated is from the server to the light peer and is a status message. Updates to information in the status message are supplied with announcements.

Status (0x00)

[[key0, value0], [key1, value1], ...]

Keys are strings. Mandatory keys and values are as follows:

  • "protocol_version" 1 for this PIP/1 protocol version.
  • "network_id" 0 for testnet, 1 for mainnet
  • "total_difficulty" integer total difficulty of the best chain as found in the block header.
  • "head_blockhash" the hash of the best (i.e. highest total difficulty) known block.
  • "head_blocknum" the number of the best (i.e. highest total difficulty) known block.
  • "genesisHash"" the hash of the genesis block.

Optional keys and values are as follows:

  • "serve_headers" any value and key-pair present if the peer can serve header chain downloads.
  • "serve_chain_since" present if the peer can serve Body/Receipts ODR requests starting from the given block number.
  • "serve_state_since" present if the peer can serve Proof/Code ODR requests starting from the given block number.
  • "tx_relay" present if the peer can relay transactions to the network.
  • "flow_control_bl" max credits (positive integer describing the burst-depth of the token bucket),
  • "flow_control_mrc" the initial cost table (see below)
  • "flow_control_mrr" rate of recharge (positive integer of credits recharged per second)

Cost Table

The cost table includes a mapping of individual PIP Request/Response Messages to costs, which are applied in the token-bucket rate limiter. The Headers and Execution request messages are special cases where the cost is multiplied by the maximum number of requested header or gas requested, respectively. The table also includes a base cost, which is applied for every Request Batch.

cost_table = [base_cost, [id,cost],...]
base_cost = positive integer cost applied to a request batch.
id = identifier of an individual PIP message type
cost = positive integer to apply to cost calculations for this message type

Announcement (0x01)

[head_blockhash, head_blocknum, total_difficulty, reorg_depth, [key0, value0], [key1, value1], ...]

  • reorg_depth is positive integer containing the reorganization depth to the common ancestor of the new head and the last announced head.
  • Other elements have the same meaning as in the Status message with the exception of reorg_depth.

Request Batch (0x02)

[request-id, [req1, ...]]


  • request-id is a unique scalar request identifier for request-reply correlation.
  • [req1, ...] is the list of request messages, as described in the PIP Request/Response Messages section.

This message, sent from client to server, requests that the given request messages should be executed. The server responds with a Response Batch.

Response Batch (0x03)

[request-id, cr, [resp1, ...]]


  • request-id1 is the unique scalar correlating with a previously received request message.
  • cr is an updated amount of request credits prior to recharge events at the time of processing on the server (please see throttling below).
  • [resp1, ...] is the list of response messages.

There must be a response message for each request contained in the corresponding request batch. The individual responses must supply all elements of the response message specifications. The PIP protocol considers messages missing any of these elements incomplete.

UpdateCreditParameters (0x04)

[max, recharge, cost_table]


  • max is a positive integer, the new maximum credit depth for the token bucket.
  • recharge a positive integer, the new recharge rate in credits per second.
  • cost_table is the updated Cost Table.

The server may periodically update the token-bucket parameters, such as depth, message cost and recharge rate, for the particular client. Received updates must be acknowledged with an AcknowledgeUpdate message.

AcknowledgeUpdate (0x05)

This message acknowledges receipt of updated credit parameters and has no payload.

RelayTransactions (0x06)

[tx1, tx2, ...]


tx1, tx2 are RLP encoded transactions as per ETH documentation.

This message requests that the given transactions should be relayed to the to the eth network.

PIP Request/Response Messages

PIP request and response messages are batched and cannot be sent individually. Unlike LES, PIP batches may contain multiple messages of different types. The Request Batch is used to send messages of the types described below to the server.

Each message type also specifies its corresponding response message (referred to as outputs). Response messages are sent as a Response Batch by the server when requests have executed.

PIP tries to further optimise client-server round trips by allowing the individual requests in the batch to include references to what their responses would contain if processed sequentially. For clarification, an example PIP batch request could contain two request messages in order, where the second message specifies that an input is a specific 'output' of the first message, where 'output' means the server response to that request.

Referencing a field in a response to a batched request is achieved with loose inputs and reusable outputs. Response message fields are documented as being reusable as n where n is an identifier labelling the field in the response message body.

Loose inputs may be a back-reference to a reusable output or may be hard data.

loose_input = [raw_flag, input]
raw_flag = is 0 or 1 (a.k.a. 'discriminant')
input = if raw_flag is 0, this is the RLP encoded value
        if raw_flag is 1, this is back_reference
back_reference = [request_message_index, reusable_output]
request_message_index = the 0-based position of a prior message in the request batch
reusable_output = the unsigned integer identifying the corresponding response message field

The following are the individual messages, paired as requests and their responses.

Headers (0x00)

Request and retrieve block headers from the server.


[message-id, [start, skip, max, reverse]]

  • start Loose, of type either 32byte hash (block hash), or unsigned integer block number
  • skip unsigned integer N, specifying the server should return every Nth block
  • max unsinged integer, the maximum number of blocks to return
  • reverse 0 if the block numbers should be increasing, 1 to return in reverse order


[message-id, [header1, header2, ...]]

  • header1, header2, ... the requested block headers

HeaderProof (0x01)

Request for a header proof.


[message-id, [block]]

  • block Loose, of type unsigned integer, referring to the block number


[message-id, [cht_inclusion_proof, block_hash, total_difficulty]]

  • cht_inclusion_proof is [[node1, node2, ...], ...]
  • node1 merkle tree node as byte array
  • block_hash hash of the requested block reusable as 0
  • total_difficulty unsigned integer, the requested block total difficulty

TransactionIndex (0x02)

Request for transaction inclusion information by transaction hash.


[message-id, [hash]]

  • hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, referring to the transaction hash.


[message-id, [block_number, block_hash, index]]

  • block_number the block number of the block containing the transaction reusable as 0
  • block_hash hash of the requested block reusable as 1
  • index index in the block

BlockReceipts (0x03)

Request for a block's receipts.


[message-id, [hash]]

  • hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, referring to the block hash.


[message-id, [receipts]]

  • receipts is [receipt1, receipt2, ...]
  • receipt1 a receipt, as per ETH spec.

BlockBody (0x04)

Request for a block's transactions.


[message-id, [hash]]

  • hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, referring to the transaction hash


[message-id, [transactions, uncles]]

  • transactions is [tx1, tx2, ...]
  • tx1 a transaction, as per ETH spec
  • uncles is [header1, header2,...]
  • header1 an uncle block header as per ETH spec

Account (0x05)

Request for proof of specific account in the state.


[message-id , [block_hash, address_hash]]

  • block_hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, referring to the block hash
  • address_hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, referring to the account address hash


[message-id, [cht_inclusion_proof, nonce, balance, code_hash, storage_root]]

  • cht_inclusion_proof is [[node1, node2, ...], ...]
  • node1 merkle tree node as byte array
  • nonce the block nonce (unsigned integer)
  • balance the account balance (unsigned integer)
  • code_hash 32 byte hash reusable as 0
  • storage_root 32 byte storage root hash reusable as 1

Storage (0x06)

Request for a proof of contract storage.


[message-id, [block_hash, address_hash, storage_key_hash]]

  • block_hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, referring to the block hash
  • address_hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, referring to the account address hash
  • storage_key_hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, referring to the storage key


[message-id, [cht_inclusion_proof, storage_value]]

  • cht_inclusion_proof is [[node1, node2, ...], ...]
  • node1 merkle tree node as byte array
  • storage_value 32 byte hash reusable as 0

Code (0x07)

Request for contract code.


[message-id, [block_hash, code_hash]]

  • block_hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, identifying the block.
  • code_hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, identifying the code.


[message-id, [bytecode]]

  • bytecode byte array of the contract code

Execution (0x08)

Request for Merkle proofs of a contract execution.


[message-id, [block_hash, from_address, call_or_create_address, gas_to_prove, gas_price, value, data]]

  • block_hash Loose, of type 32 byte hash, identifying the block
  • from_address Type 32 byte hash, referring to the caller account address hash
  • call_or_create_address 32 byte hash, call contract if address, otherwise create contract if empty
  • gas_to_prove 32 byte unsigned integer of gas to prove
  • gas_price 32 byte unsigned integer of gas price
  • value 32 byte unsigned integer of value to transfer
  • data byte array of relevant data


[message-id, [proof]]

  • proof is [[node1, node2, ...], ...], the necessary execution proof
  • node1 merkle tree node as byte array