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Releases: eliboa/NxNandManager


01 Nov 12:59
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GitHub Releases (by Release)
The following was changed since the last release:

  • writing to emuMMC partition is fixed (#6)
  • fixed an error when input or output path contains non latin characters. (#5)

edit 11/02 : this release was updated with a quick fix for emuMMC partition detection bug on Windows 7 (#7)


27 Oct 10:10
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GitHub Releases (by Release)

Edit : Writing to emuMMC is broken :/ I'm working on it. It should still work for SX OS hidden partition though.

Added suppport for SD partition emuMMC and SX OS hidden partition (emuNAND)
Thus, support for a new NxStorage type "FULL NAND" was added. FULL NAND contains BOOT0, BOOT1 and RAWNAND in a single file/storage. You can pretty much perform the same operations to FULL NAND and RAWNAND (dump, restore, decrypt partition, dump partition, etc).
Additionally, you can extract RAWNAND from FULL NAND as well as BOOT0 & BOOT1 (CLI : use argument -part=RAWNAND, -part=BOOT0,etc. GUI : "Tools" > "Dump RAWNAND only"). You can also restore FULL NAND to RAWNAND (BOOT0 and BOOT1 will be skipped) and vice versa.

To open your emuNAND partition, mount your SD card on your computer, then :

  • GUI : Use shortcut CTRL + D to list compatible drives, then select the detected drive, labelled "FULL NAND".
  • CLI usage : use command NxNandManager.exe --list to get the disk name to use with input argument "-i".

Resize NAND
You can now resize any RAWNAND or FULL NAND storage. The resize feature will create a new file for your NAND with resized USER partition. This is mainly useful to reduce the size of your emuNAND (file or partition) but you can also increase the size of USER partition, above 26 Gb. Optionally, USER partition can be formatted while resizing.

CLI : a list of partition can now be provided through argument "-part"
In case you want to dump or restore several partitions at the same time, you can provide a list of partitions, seperated by a comma, through "-part=" argument. In this case, output must be a directory. When output is a valid NxStorage (restore), every partition that exists in both input and output, will be restored to output.
One thing to remember is that when argument -part is provided, the program will never copy the GPT (partition table).


  • Restoring to splitted dump is now allowed.
  • When keyset is provided, the program can retrieve new information :
    • device ID (can be useful to disable parental control)
    • WLAN mac address.
    • Available FAT32 space for partitions SYTEM & USER
  • Improved BOOT1 detection (will look for magic PK11 in the entire file).
  • Except for some GUI parts, the whole code has be refactored. Although this is mainly transparent for end user, you should notice a general improvement in performance when copying (except when using memloader which is still super slow).
  • CLI : remaining time and amount of bytes copied are now displayed during copy


19 Sep 21:14
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The following was changed since the last release:

  • Added support for 9.0 RAWAND firmware detection
  • Added support for 9.0 BOOT1
  • Improved firmware detection : since nca filename based detection is not so accurate, the program will also and always search in journal/play reports for firmware version (opening rawnand or SYSTEM partition will be a bit slower, especially with memloader)


14 Aug 10:42
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  • Added support for emuMMC (SD Files). Restoring to a splitted dump is still not supported but you can dump/join and decrypt emuMMC, or install incognito on emuMMC (open the file "sdmmc:\emuMMC\SD00\eMMC\00" to open your emuMMC)
  • Fixed error when installing incognito on splitted dump.

Sorry, this should have worked in version 2.0.


13 Aug 15:47
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NAND decryption/encryption (AES-XTS)

NxNandManager can now decrypt or encrypt NAND file/drive (rawnand or encrypted partition file "PRODINFO", "SAFE", "SYSTEM", etc).
A keyset file containing biskeys must be provided.

CLI Usage :

Use -d argument to decrypt, -e to encrypt.

Keys can be provided by the -keyset argument to the keyset filename.
The program can parse keyset files made with biskeydump or lockpick :

   BIS Key 0 (crypt): <16-byte hex key>
   BIS Key 0 (tweak): <16-byte hex key>


   bis_key_00 = <32-byte hex key>
   bis_key_01 = <32-byte hex key>


Decrypt full rawnand :
NxNandManager.exe -i rawnand.bin -o rawnand.dec -d -keyset keys.dat

Decrypt single partition file :
NxNandManager.exe -i PRODINFO -o PRODINFO.dec -d -keyset keys.dat

Encrypt single partition file :
NxNandManager.exe -i PRODINFO.dec -o PRODINFO.enc -e -keyset keys.dat

Decrypt & restore single partition file to physical drive
NxNandManager.exe -i PRODINFO.dec -o \\.\PhysicalDrive3 -part=PRODINFO -e -keyset keys.dat

Encrypt & restore full rawnand
NxNandManager.exe -i rawnand.dec -o \\.\PhysicalDrive3 -e -keyset keys.dat


GUI has been updated to support crypto operations.
Keys can be added through 'Configure keyset' entry in 'Options' menu


An "incognito" option has been implemented. As blawar's incognito does, it will wipe out all console unique id's and certificates from CAL0. It can be useful since Atmosphere prevents writing to CAL0.

The program will need bis keys to apply incognito on encrypted file/drive

CLI usage : To apply incognito, use --incognito argument (applies to input -i type : RAWNAND or PRODINFO). For example : NxNandManager.exe --incognito -i rawnand.bin -d -keyset keys.dat

GUI : Use appropriate entry in "Options" menu


  • When keys are provided or if content is already decrypted, the program can retrieve additional information (CLI :--info, GUI : File > Properties)
    • Firmware version & ExFat driver (based on .nca filenames is SYSTEM, the exact same way FVI does it, or from journal/play reports in SYSTEM)
    • Serial Number (from PRODINFO or journal in SYSTEM)
    • Last boot time (from SYSTEM/save/8000000000000060, same way FVI does it)
  • Bootloader version is now retrieved from BOOT0
  • The program prevents the system from entering sleep mode when copy is is progress.


MCMrARM for switch_decrypt
blawar for incognito
shchmue for FVI


23 Jun 11:00
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The following was changed since the last release:

  • Added support for 8.1 BOOT1


21 Apr 08:20
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The following was changed since the last release:

  • Added support for 8.0 BOOT1


09 Mar 09:13
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The following was changed since the last release:

  • GUI has been completely redesigned
  • Support was added for splitted dumps
  • New feature to toggle AutoRCM was added
  • BOOT1 detection is now supported for 7.X firmwares


NxNandManager v1.0 (beta)

17 Feb 19:54
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Use memloader v3 (or TegraRcmGUI) to mount eMMC so that NxNandManager can detect the drive.
Make sure to run the program as an administrator.